[cmucl-imp] [cmucl-help] NaN

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 16:14:57 UTC 2017

>>>>> "james" == james anderson <james.anderson at setf.de> writes:

    james> good morning;
    >> On 2017-01-11, at 09:48, Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa at cs.nyu.edu> wrote:
    >> Thank you James, thank you Stelian.
    >> The CFFI solution seems very interesting and the codec James pointed me to are also useful.

    james> i sent marco an off-line note, in which i had pointed out some code which figures (among other things) in an amqp implementation, where it is figures in buffer codecs.
    james> for the curious, it is to be found here:

    james> https://github.com/lisp/de.setf.utility/tree/master/codecs/float-codecs.lisp

This is also pretty nice and mostly portable.  I think with a bit of
work it can be made (almost) completely portable using just CL
functions.  I guess the main problem is constructing infinities.
Testing for NaN is pretty easy:  (= x x) is always false if x is NaN.


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