[cmucl-help] maximum dynamic-space-size

Matt Kaufmann kaufmann at cs.utexas.edu
Wed Jan 6 02:25:29 UTC 2016

Thanks for the reply.  I like the idea of "0" meaning "max"; I'll
probably take advantage of that if you make that change.  In the
meantime, it's good to know that there isn't any other way to figure
out the max besides parsing it out of that error message.

Thanks again,
> From: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:14:55 -0800
> >>>>> "Matt" == Matt Kaufmann <kaufmann at cs.utexas.edu> writes:
>     Matt> Hi --
>     Matt> Is there an easy way to figure out the maximum value that can be
>     Matt> supplied for CMUCL command-line option -dynamic-space-size on a given
>     Matt> platform?  Or perhaps some special value could be allowed for
>     Matt> -dynamic-space-size that means "use the maximum"?
> Right now it seems the only way is to specify a huge value for
> -dynamic-space-size and cmucl will print out the maximum value:
> $ cmulisp -noinit -dynamic-space-size 10000
> -dynamic-space-size must be no greater than 1632 MBytes.
> (This is the result from my linux box.)
> But maybe if -dynamic-space-size is 0, we can just use the max.
> --
> Ray
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