[cmucl-help] maximum dynamic-space-size

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 00:14:55 UTC 2016

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Kaufmann <kaufmann at cs.utexas.edu> writes:

    Matt> Hi --
    Matt> Is there an easy way to figure out the maximum value that can be
    Matt> supplied for CMUCL command-line option -dynamic-space-size on a given
    Matt> platform?  Or perhaps some special value could be allowed for
    Matt> -dynamic-space-size that means "use the maximum"?

Right now it seems the only way is to specify a huge value for
-dynamic-space-size and cmucl will print out the maximum value:

$ cmulisp -noinit -dynamic-space-size 10000
-dynamic-space-size must be no greater than 1632 MBytes.

(This is the result from my linux box.)

But maybe if -dynamic-space-size is 0, we can just use the max.


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