[cmucl-help] Re: CTRL+C

Drew McDermott drew.mcdermott at yale.edu
Thu Oct 29 21:46:07 CET 2009

> [GP lisper] (in response to Patrick Rutkowski)

> CMUCL has never run on anything but *nix, and millions before
> you have dealt with it.

To put the point a bit less adversarially:

Lisp is not a program you call from the shell; it _is_ a shell, just
one with a different abstract machine from Unix. That's why some
implementations (not CMUCL) are so lackadaisical about starting up:
they don't expect you to leave anytime soon.

Lisp actually predates Unix.  Which doesn't necessarily excuse
changing the meaning of ^C.  But it might be worth checking out an
alternative lifestyle on its own terms before dismissing it.

Drew McDermott
Yale University Computer Science Department

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