[cmucl-help] Re: CTRL+C

GP lisper fph at clouddancer.com
Wed Oct 28 20:51:27 CET 2009

   Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:23:32 -0400
   From: "Patrick M. Rutkowski" <rutski89 at gmail.com>

   On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Alex Goncharov
   <alex-goncharov at comcast.net> wrote:
   > ,--- You/Patrick (Wed, 28 Oct 2009 05:30:37 -0400) ----*
   > |
   > | Take the following program:
   > | cmucl -eval '(defun foo () (progn (format t "Hello World~%") (foo))) (foo)'
   > |
   > | What would be the most straight forward way to get CTRL+C to quit back
   > | to the shell, as opposed to dumping me into a debugger?
   > Why would you want it?
   > The non-easiness of leaving Lisp is intentional -- there is often too
   > much state to lose, and Ctrl-C or -D may be typed by accident.
   > Use '(quit)', on a CMUCL prompt or in your program.
   > E.g.
   >  lisp -eval '(progn (format t "Hello World~%") (quit))'
   > -- Alex -- alex-goncharov at comcast.net --

   Because 99.9% of the time when I hit CTRL+C during development it's
   because I've seen my program doing something wrong, and already know
   how to fix it. Having to type CTRL-C-LPAREN-Q-U-I-T-RPAREN-ENTER every
   time is really annoying.

Perhaps learning a better technique would help.

   Because in UNIX terminal culture CTRL+C means "quit the program, right
   now". CMUCL shouldn't take license to make exceptions to what shell
   users expect.

Wow, after 18 years of *nix, I never knew that.

   I thought that all would have been obvious, unless you're not familiar
   with with UNIX.

What is obvious is that you don't understand the suggestion, nor do
you realize that macros/readtables/etc can easily give you a single char
quit.  CMUCL has never run on anything but *nix, and millions before
you have dealt with it.


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