[cmucl-imp] March snapshot

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 18:01:24 UTC 2014

>>>>> "Stas" == Stas Boukarev <stassats at gmail.com> writes:

    Stas> Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> writes:
    >> The March snapshot has been tagged and binaries will be uploaded soon.
    >> The main changes are:
    >> * Type derivation for log was not consistent with the values
    >> actually returned by log.  This is corrected now.
    Stas> I'm not sure that this is right:

    Stas> (defun foo (x)
    Stas>   (log (the (double-float 0d0) x)))

    Stas> (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero) (foo -0d0)) =>
    Stas> (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero) (log -0d0)) =>
    Stas> #C(#.EXT:DOUBLE-FLOAT-NEGATIVE-INFINITY 3.141592653589793d0)

Oops. I seem to have misplaced the other half of the change.  Thanks
for letting me know!


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