[cmucl-imp] Re: Compiled COMPILE forms at load time Bug

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 15:01:17 CET 2010

On 3/12/10 11:45 AM, Helmut Eller wrote:
> * Raymond Toy [2010-03-12 12:35+0100] writes:
>> So COMPILE has silently zapped the structure.  We should probably print
>> he warning for this too.
> Yes, definitely.  Also for this:
> (defstruct xyz a)
> (setf (fdefinition 'xyz-a) (lambda () 42))
I added a hook to *setf-fdefinition-hook* to check for this case.  Works
ok, but now I can't compile clx/depdefs.lisp.  CMUCL complains about
redefining reply-size and buffer-lock which are slot accessor
functions.  But I haven't figured out from the code where the
redefinition is coming from.

Also,  consider this:

(defstruct abc a b c)
(defun abc-a () 42)

CMUCL undefines the structure, but

(defstruct abc a)

produces an error about incompatibly redefining the structure.
>> Note that in both cases any existing structures will be in a bad state.
>>  They still exist, but there's not much you can do with them.
> Compiled could would continue to work since accessors are inlined.  Also
> (type-of (make-xyz)) still works.  The printer is effed up, though.
If we undefined the structure, I would expect make-xyz (or make-abc) not
to work.

What to do?


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