Static array support

Madhu enometh at
Wed Dec 2 04:30:11 CET 2009

* Carl Shapiro Wrote on Tue, 1 Dec 2009 18:36:56 -0800:

|> The compiled code would always assume that the array was non-simple,
|> and indirect thru the array header to find underlying array.  I do
|> not remember all of the details and limitations, except that the
|> underling simple-vector could always be found with only one
|> indirection.
| If an array is not simple it may be displaced.  In this case, one has
| to chase the through all of underlying arrays until a terminal simple
| array is found.  It would be nice if there was a way to never pay for
| a displaced array if you never use them.

Is there really a cost here if the array is simple and you are chasing
only one level?  I thought your arguments in advocating the costs of
multi-byte encodings would apply to this case.


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