[cmucl-help] Fwd: Re: -edit and -slave switch options vital for Hemlock

Peri Didaskalou pfd at torfree.net
Fri Sep 1 23:58:25 UTC 2023

On 9/1/23 17:32, Raymond Toy wrote:
> On 9/1/23 10:33 AM, Peri Didaskalou wrote:
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>> Date:     Fri, 1 Sep 2023 13:28:33 -0400
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>> Subject:     Re: [cmucl-help] -edit and -slave switch options vital 
>> for Hemlock
>> To:     Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
>> References: <097239d4-8e9e-4f02-81bb-1b793e189ee3 at torfree.net> 
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>> Content-Language:     en-US
>> From:     Peri Didaskalou <pfd at torfree.net>
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>> On 9/1/23 10:14, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>> On 8/31/23 1:17 PM, Peri Didaskalou wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> Pardon my ignorance, mainly due to my not being interested in 
>>>> making use of Hemlock until now; but, was the first, pre-snapshots 
>>>> version of 21d,
>>>> as per the cmucl-user manual of Dec.2018, the last version of cmucl 
>>>> which still had the -edit and -slave switch options?
>>>> Hemlock also looks for the binary 'cmucl' for compilation. At 
>>>> first, I thought I was on my way, when I created a 'cmucl' copy of 
>>>> the 'lisp' binary in /bin.
>>>> Of course, that was only the superficial issue.  CMUCL hasn't had 
>>>> these two switches, -edit and -slave, for a few years, it seems.
>>> Sorry for the delay!
>>> You’re right. I’m not a Hemlock user, but the Hemlock user manual 
>>> <https://cmucl.org/docs/hem/user/hemlock-user.html#edit_002dswitch> 
>>> says -edit and -slave should exist.
>>> However, I tried 18c (the oldest that will run on my computers), and 
>>> |lisp file.txt -edit| doesn’t recognize the -edit option. In fact, 
>>> the only recognized options are -quiet, -load, and -eval.
>>> I’m not sure exactly what these switches are really supposed to do; 
>>> I’ve only tried running hemlock via |(ed)| after starting lisp.
>> Not a problem!
>> Without a functional -slave ability/switch Hemlock, being a lisp 
>> program, can't spawn a secondary lisp for compiling. One has to exit, 
>> compile-file and return with (ed "file").
> I’ll have to do some digging into what these things actually did. For 
> whatever reason, they’ve been gone from cmucl since at least 18c 
> (released sometime before 2004-10) so they’ve been gone for a long 
> time.  I don’t know why; it will take some time to figure out when 
> they were last available and what they actually did.  In the meantime, 
> I’ve file a bug 
> <https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/issues/260> for this.  
> Feel free to comment on it.
Thanks Kindly, I will do so.  Since I still enjoy cmucl I prefer making 
use of the great original, rather than try to reinvent it as per  
'Portable Hemlock' /pHemlock  effort:, initially by Gilbert Baumann,: 
https://github.com/thinkum-contrib/phemlock .
>> Or one has to compile in another shell terminal, in a separate lisp 
>> session.
>> I really started enjoying using Hemlock, once I learned to stop 
>> crashing it by pressing and holding arrow keys. I also really like 
>> the built-in context-sensitive help features.
> You should report that crashing bug too.  No promises on getting that 
> fixed, though. :-)
There's no need to fix that, as Hemlock users use Meta and Ctl to issue 
multiples of spaces to move forward and backward, with negative #s;  
when careful use of mouse buttons is undesirable.
Anyhow, I certainly don't want to make extra work for you!  It feels 
like 21e and this new snapshot is compiling much faster/better, with 
quicklisp and inside  of Emacs/SLIME!  Great work Raymond Toy!

>> Thanks for pointing out 18c.    Although, I think I might see if 
>> Hemlock, running with the most current snapshot, might yield some 
>> benefits as a customized editor.
>> Of course, I also use cmucl in Emacs/SLIME, with paredit, company, 
>> etc.  There are times when I need to compile or use SBCL in Emacs, 
>> for certain packages.
>> At the same time I like also running cmucl in Hemlock, and/or cmucl 
>> in another fancy terminal/shell that I can copy/paste to/from.
> Feel free to file bugs for Hemlock.  No promises if they’ll get fixed, 
> but if we don’t know, they can’t possibly be corrected!
Many Thanks once again.  As suggested, I have a workaround at present, 
for the missing -slave option.  Maybe it's worth mentioning this as a 
'bug' for other interested newcomers.
>>>> Peri
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