[cmucl-help] Need help getting into hemlock

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 16:35:23 UTC 2017

>>>>> "Blake" == Blake McBride <blake1024 at gmail.com> writes:

    Blake> Thanks for the help.  Here is what I get: 
    Blake> * (ed)

    Blake> Asynchronous NAME-ERROR in request 11 (last request was 12)
    Blake> Code 45.0 [OpenFont]
    Blake>    [Condition of type XLIB:NAME-ERROR]

    Blake> Restarts:
    Blake>   0: [CONTINUE] Ignore 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level.

    Blake> Debug (type H for help)

    Blake> Foundation R11501000)>
    Blake>                         11
    Blake>                         #S(XLIB::REPLY-BUFFER
    Blake>                              :SIZE 32 :IBUF8 #(0 15 11 0 1
    Blake>                              ...)  :NEXT NIL :DATA-SIZE 32)
    Blake>                         #<Process Initial {60EE5B75}>)
    Blake> Source: Error finding source: Error in function
    Blake> DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer
    Blake> exists:
    Blake>   target:clx/input.lisp.
    Blake> 0] back

    Blake> 0: (XLIB::READ-ERROR-INPUT #<XLIB:DISPLAY :0 (The X.Org
    Blake> Foundation
    Blake> R11501000)>
    Blake>                            11
    Blake>                            #S(XLIB::REPLY-BUFFER
    Blake>                                 :SIZE 32 :IBUF8 #(0 15 11 0
    Blake>                                 1 ...)  :NEXT NIL
    Blake>                                 :DATA-SIZE 32)
    Blake>                            #<Process Initial {60EE5B75}>)
    Blake> 1: (XLIB::READ-INPUT #<XLIB:DISPLAY :0 (The X.Org
    Blake> Foundation R11501000)>
    Blake>                      NIL NIL
    Blake>                      #<Function "DEFUN READ-REPLY"
    Blake>                      #{61109981}>
    Blake>                      ...)
    Blake> 2: (XLIB::READ-REPLY #<XLIB:DISPLAY :0 (The X.Org
    Blake> Foundation R11501000)>
    Blake>                      #S(XLIB::PENDING-COMMAND
    Blake>                           :SEQUENCE 12 :REPLY-BUFFER NIL
    Blake>                           :PROCESS #<Process Initial
    Blake>                           {60EE5B75}> :NEXT NIL))
    Blake> 3: (XLIB::QUERY-FONT
    Blake>     #<XLIB:FONT *-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-* :0
    Blake>     #77594625>)

My guess is that you don't have any font that matches
"*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*".  Can you check?  (I use xfontsel
or xlsfonts to find the fonts.)

I don't know enough about X to understand why this results in an the
error that you get.


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