[cmucl-help] help a newbee to start cmucl

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 21:21:10 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Helmut" == Helmut Jarausch <jarausch at skynet.be> writes:

    Helmut> Hi,
    Helmut> I've installed cmucl-20e on my Gentoo system.
    Helmut> I have no idea to get into the graphics mode.
    Helmut> If I do

    Helmut> (require :clx)
    Helmut> (require :hemlock)
    Helmut> (ed)

    Helmut> The just opened X-window doesn't get focus such that I can't enter anything.

This works for me with snapshot-2014-12 on OSX.  I can type into the
window, but hemlock is sufficiently different from emacs that I can't
really do anything useful with it.

    Helmut> From the man page
    Helmut> Call INTERFACE:LISP-CONTROL-PANEL to create the  control  panel.   When                                                                                                      
    Helmut>        INTERFACE:*INTERFACE-STYLE*  is :GRAPHICS (the default) and the DISPLAY                                                                                                      
    Helmut>        environment variable is defined, the graphical inspector  and  debugger                                                                                                      
    Helmut>        will  be  invoked  by  INSPECT or when an error is signalled.  Possible                                                                                                      
    Helmut>        values are :GRAPHICS and :TTY.  If the value is :GRAPHICS, but there is
    Helmut>        no X display, then we quietly use the TTY interface.

    Helmut> How to do that?

    Helmut> I can't do

    Helmut> nor even
    Helmut> (require :interface)

That's because you need to do (require :clm).  (Don't ask me why it's
clm. I don't know).  Then (interface:lisp-control-panel) brings up an
inspector panel for me.  I didn't try to use it.

    Helmut> P.S.:
    Helmut> I am using sbcl, as well, and one of the reason for installing CMUCL was the
    Helmut> graphical interface. (I do have MOTIF installed here)

There were some relatively recent fixes for motif especially if you're
running on a 64-bit system with 64-bit motif libraries.

What kind of graphical interface are you looking for?  Cmucl doesn't
really come with any specific interface.

You didn't ask, but my favorite graphical interface for lisp is emacs
with slime.  Fantastic development environment, if that's what you're
looking for.


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