[cmucl-help] help a newbee to start cmucl

Helmut Jarausch jarausch at skynet.be
Sat Apr 11 12:20:12 UTC 2015


I've installed cmucl-20e on my Gentoo system.
I have no idea to get into the graphics mode.
If I do

(require :clx)
(require :hemlock)

The just opened X-window doesn't get focus such that I can't enter anything.

From the man page
Call INTERFACE:LISP-CONTROL-PANEL to create the  control  panel.   When                                                                                                      
       INTERFACE:*INTERFACE-STYLE*  is :GRAPHICS (the default) and the DISPLAY                                                                                                      
       environment variable is defined, the graphical inspector  and  debugger                                                                                                      
       will  be  invoked  by  INSPECT or when an error is signalled.  Possible                                                                                                      
       values are :GRAPHICS and :TTY.  If the value is :GRAPHICS, but there is
       no X display, then we quietly use the TTY interface.

How to do that?

I can't do

nor even
(require :interface)

So, I am missing a lot.

Many thanks for a hint,

I am using sbcl, as well, and one of the reason for installing CMUCL was the
graphical interface. (I do have MOTIF installed here)

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