[cmucl-help] 19c alpha [Was Re: CMUCL 18c building on tru64 5.1]

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 18:49:40 UTC 2014

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Fausto Saporito <fausto.saporito at gmail.com>

> 2014-09-09 20:01 GMT+02:00 Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>:
> >
> >
> >>
> >> So I should update undefineds.h with all those functions present in
> >> the warnings, if I understood correctly...
> >
> >
> > Ugh. This might be tricky.  Your 19c linux binary supports the
> > :linkage-table *feature*. But alpha doesn't. I'm not sure how well
> > cross-compiling from linux to alpha will work in this case. And I don't
> > remember what a cross-compile without :linkage-tables looks like anymore,
> > and all of the current working ports use :linkage-tables.
> >
> > So, these undefined symbols might be ok, but they do have to get
> resolved in
> > some way.  call_into_c ought to exist in your lisp.nm file. Perhaps
> genesis
> > is not parsing that file correctly?
> >
> > (See load-foreign-symbol-table in compiler/new-genesis.lisp.)
> >>
> >>
> Sorry, but I'm a bit lost.
> Just to recap.
> On Linux machine:
> 1) in alpha-target directory I have lisp.map and lisp.nm Lisp.nm is
> empty just a line saying "Map file for lisp version 0".
> Lisp.map is full of informations. I noticed lisp.nm is populated later
> on the ALPHA machine.
> Is this correct ?
> When the load-foreign-symbol-table should read that file ? If it tries
> on the Linux server the file is empty... and I don't think it reads
> the file on the ALPHA machine, because the first step I do is
> rebuild-lisp.sh (so only the C code).
> On the ALPHA machine:
> 1) after the rebuild-lisp.sh, I have a lisp.nm with all the infos
> needed. Maybe I should put back that file on the linux server and
> generate a new core ?

​I think this is right, but as I said, it's been ages since I've done this
without linkage-tables. And when I did, everything was shared via NFS, so I
didn't have to move things around.

However, I do remember that if the C code was recompiled and caused things
to move, I had to do a new genesis to get the addresses corrected.​

​I think cross-build-world.sh without -c should be enough so you don't have
to recompile everything. You just need to run genesis again.

> regards,
> Fausto


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