[cmucl-help] error-handling bug

Matt Kaufmann kaufmann at cs.utexas.edu
Sat Jul 26 20:40:42 UTC 2014

Hi --

(Sorry, I didn't easily see how to get a CMUCL Trac account; hence
this email.)

The CMUCL bug shown below occurs on 64-bit Linux, both Version 20e and
the 2014-06 snapshot.


It appears to be the same bug as this SBCL bug (now fixed for SBCL):


Here is a log illustrating the bug in the CMUCL versions mentioned
above.  The expected behavior is shown later below (using SBCL 1.2.1).

.......... CMUCL 20e and also 2014-06 snapshot: ..........

* (defun read-string-fn (str)
       (let ((acc nil))
           (stream str)
           (loop do
                 (let* ((eof-marker (cons nil nil))
                        (elem (read stream nil eof-marker)))
                   (if (eq elem eof-marker)
                     (push elem acc)))))
         (setq acc (nreverse acc))
         (values :OK acc))
       (error (condition)
              (return-from read-string-fn
                (values :ERROR (format nil "~A" condition))))
       (storage-condition (condition)
                          (return-from read-string-fn
                            (values :STORAGE (format nil "~A" condition))))))

* (read-string-fn "#\wtf")

Error in function LISP::CLOSED-FLAME:  #<String-Input Stream> is closed.
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

  0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

(LISP::CLOSED-FLAME #<String-Input Stream>)
Source: Error finding source: 
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer exists:


Here is the analogous log after defining the function above in SBCL
1.2.1, which I believe is as expected.

.......... SBCL 1.2.1 ..........

* (read-string-fn "#\wtf")

"no dispatch function defined for #\\W

  Stream: #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM {1002E27C03}>"


Matt Kaufmann

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