[cmucl-help] Re : Re : Disabling the automated code deletion when compiling.

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 21:01:47 CET 2010

On 11/3/10 3:08 PM, Rémy wrote:
> unfortunately). So, you don't have to waste your time tracking down this 
> symbol/string type error for me. I'd just like to test my hypothesis before 
> giving it up, by trying to disable the code deletion, if possible. If my 
> hypothesis appears be wrong, I will check the release notes more carefully and 
> hope to find out something interesting.
After a quick look through the compiler, the code deletion stuff seems
deeply embedded in the compiler and there does not appear to be a way to
turn it off easily.
> (defmacro prompt-read (internal-var external-var initial-message
>                     argument-type default-value
>                     special-response-list)
>   (declare (special *using-interface* *simple-interface-prompts*))
>   `(if (and *using-interface* (not *simple-interface-prompts*) (not 
> *executing*))
>        (setq ,internal-var
>          (do ((response nil))
>          (nil)
>            (let ((prompt-sym (intern (gensym "PROMPT"))))

Here is one problem.  INTERN expects a string, but GENSYM returns a
symbol.  You might get a little farther if you replaced it with
something like (intern (symbol-name (gensym "PROMPT"))), or perhaps
(gentemp "PROMPT"), but  gentemp is deprecated.

I only looked at the compiler notes that you sent earlier.  I didn't
investigate anything else in prompt-read.


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