CMUCL 20b released

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at
Wed Sep 29 22:25:50 CEST 2010

We are pleased to announce the release of CMUCL 20b.

The key changes in this release are:

o is a mirror of the CMUCL website at
 (Thanks to Carl for recovering that domain.)

o the unicode build has much faster streams, especially for utf8.

o support for localization, including CMUCL messages (but translations
are not done, except for piglatin, for fun)

o executable images for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris

o support for static arrays that are not moved by gc, but are gc'ed when
not referenced

o asdf2 and mk-defsys are included

There have also been quite a few other changes and bug fixes; we refer
the interested reader to the release notes at

We hope you find this release useful.

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