[cmucl-commit] [git] CMU Common Lisp branch master updated. snapshot-2014-06-3-gda059a8
Raymond Toy
rtoy at common-lisp.net
Mon Jul 21 03:54:50 UTC 2014
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generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
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The branch, master has been updated
via da059a86b5eca795f157ca85e74520a76ab5207f (commit)
from cef7a420993388f21ea2ba733b57b3651f4f5b3b (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit da059a86b5eca795f157ca85e74520a76ab5207f
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date: Sun Jul 20 20:54:01 2014 -0700
Import fdlibm trig functions; as is, from netlib.
diff --git a/src/lisp/k_cos.c b/src/lisp/k_cos.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb855d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lisp/k_cos.c
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+/* @(#)k_cos.c 1.3 95/01/18 */
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+ * __kernel_cos( x, y )
+ * kernel cos function on [-pi/4, pi/4], pi/4 ~ 0.785398164
+ * Input x is assumed to be bounded by ~pi/4 in magnitude.
+ * Input y is the tail of x.
+ *
+ * Algorithm
+ * 1. Since cos(-x) = cos(x), we need only to consider positive x.
+ * 2. if x < 2^-27 (hx<0x3e400000 0), return 1 with inexact if x!=0.
+ * 3. cos(x) is approximated by a polynomial of degree 14 on
+ * [0,pi/4]
+ * 4 14
+ * cos(x) ~ 1 - x*x/2 + C1*x + ... + C6*x
+ * where the remez error is
+ *
+ * | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 | -58
+ * |cos(x)-(1-.5*x +C1*x +C2*x +C3*x +C4*x +C5*x +C6*x )| <= 2
+ * | |
+ *
+ * 4 6 8 10 12 14
+ * 4. let r = C1*x +C2*x +C3*x +C4*x +C5*x +C6*x , then
+ * cos(x) = 1 - x*x/2 + r
+ * since cos(x+y) ~ cos(x) - sin(x)*y
+ * ~ cos(x) - x*y,
+ * a correction term is necessary in cos(x) and hence
+ * cos(x+y) = 1 - (x*x/2 - (r - x*y))
+ * For better accuracy when x > 0.3, let qx = |x|/4 with
+ * the last 32 bits mask off, and if x > 0.78125, let qx = 0.28125.
+ * Then
+ * cos(x+y) = (1-qx) - ((x*x/2-qx) - (r-x*y)).
+ * Note that 1-qx and (x*x/2-qx) is EXACT here, and the
+ * magnitude of the latter is at least a quarter of x*x/2,
+ * thus, reducing the rounding error in the subtraction.
+ */
+#include "fdlibm.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static const double
+static double
+one = 1.00000000000000000000e+00, /* 0x3FF00000, 0x00000000 */
+C1 = 4.16666666666666019037e-02, /* 0x3FA55555, 0x5555554C */
+C2 = -1.38888888888741095749e-03, /* 0xBF56C16C, 0x16C15177 */
+C3 = 2.48015872894767294178e-05, /* 0x3EFA01A0, 0x19CB1590 */
+C4 = -2.75573143513906633035e-07, /* 0xBE927E4F, 0x809C52AD */
+C5 = 2.08757232129817482790e-09, /* 0x3E21EE9E, 0xBDB4B1C4 */
+C6 = -1.13596475577881948265e-11; /* 0xBDA8FAE9, 0xBE8838D4 */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+ double __kernel_cos(double x, double y)
+ double __kernel_cos(x, y)
+ double x,y;
+ double a,hz,z,r,qx;
+ int ix;
+ ix = __HI(x)&0x7fffffff; /* ix = |x|'s high word*/
+ if(ix<0x3e400000) { /* if x < 2**27 */
+ if(((int)x)==0) return one; /* generate inexact */
+ }
+ z = x*x;
+ r = z*(C1+z*(C2+z*(C3+z*(C4+z*(C5+z*C6)))));
+ if(ix < 0x3FD33333) /* if |x| < 0.3 */
+ return one - (0.5*z - (z*r - x*y));
+ else {
+ if(ix > 0x3fe90000) { /* x > 0.78125 */
+ qx = 0.28125;
+ } else {
+ __HI(qx) = ix-0x00200000; /* x/4 */
+ __LO(qx) = 0;
+ }
+ hz = 0.5*z-qx;
+ a = one-qx;
+ return a - (hz - (z*r-x*y));
+ }
diff --git a/src/lisp/k_sin.c b/src/lisp/k_sin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfcad76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lisp/k_sin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* @(#)k_sin.c 1.3 95/01/18 */
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+/* __kernel_sin( x, y, iy)
+ * kernel sin function on [-pi/4, pi/4], pi/4 ~ 0.7854
+ * Input x is assumed to be bounded by ~pi/4 in magnitude.
+ * Input y is the tail of x.
+ * Input iy indicates whether y is 0. (if iy=0, y assume to be 0).
+ *
+ * Algorithm
+ * 1. Since sin(-x) = -sin(x), we need only to consider positive x.
+ * 2. if x < 2^-27 (hx<0x3e400000 0), return x with inexact if x!=0.
+ * 3. sin(x) is approximated by a polynomial of degree 13 on
+ * [0,pi/4]
+ * 3 13
+ * sin(x) ~ x + S1*x + ... + S6*x
+ * where
+ *
+ * |sin(x) 2 4 6 8 10 12 | -58
+ * |----- - (1+S1*x +S2*x +S3*x +S4*x +S5*x +S6*x )| <= 2
+ * | x |
+ *
+ * 4. sin(x+y) = sin(x) + sin'(x')*y
+ * ~ sin(x) + (1-x*x/2)*y
+ * For better accuracy, let
+ * 3 2 2 2 2
+ * r = x *(S2+x *(S3+x *(S4+x *(S5+x *S6))))
+ * then 3 2
+ * sin(x) = x + (S1*x + (x *(r-y/2)+y))
+ */
+#include "fdlibm.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static const double
+static double
+half = 5.00000000000000000000e-01, /* 0x3FE00000, 0x00000000 */
+S1 = -1.66666666666666324348e-01, /* 0xBFC55555, 0x55555549 */
+S2 = 8.33333333332248946124e-03, /* 0x3F811111, 0x1110F8A6 */
+S3 = -1.98412698298579493134e-04, /* 0xBF2A01A0, 0x19C161D5 */
+S4 = 2.75573137070700676789e-06, /* 0x3EC71DE3, 0x57B1FE7D */
+S5 = -2.50507602534068634195e-08, /* 0xBE5AE5E6, 0x8A2B9CEB */
+S6 = 1.58969099521155010221e-10; /* 0x3DE5D93A, 0x5ACFD57C */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+ double __kernel_sin(double x, double y, int iy)
+ double __kernel_sin(x, y, iy)
+ double x,y; int iy; /* iy=0 if y is zero */
+ double z,r,v;
+ int ix;
+ ix = __HI(x)&0x7fffffff; /* high word of x */
+ if(ix<0x3e400000) /* |x| < 2**-27 */
+ {if((int)x==0) return x;} /* generate inexact */
+ z = x*x;
+ v = z*x;
+ r = S2+z*(S3+z*(S4+z*(S5+z*S6)));
+ if(iy==0) return x+v*(S1+z*r);
+ else return x-((z*(half*y-v*r)-y)-v*S1);
diff --git a/src/lisp/k_tan.c b/src/lisp/k_tan.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..017c1e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lisp/k_tan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#pragma ident "@(#)k_tan.c 1.5 04/04/22 SMI"
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+/* __kernel_tan( x, y, k )
+ * kernel tan function on [-pi/4, pi/4], pi/4 ~ 0.7854
+ * Input x is assumed to be bounded by ~pi/4 in magnitude.
+ * Input y is the tail of x.
+ * Input k indicates whether tan (if k = 1) or -1/tan (if k = -1) is returned.
+ *
+ * Algorithm
+ * 1. Since tan(-x) = -tan(x), we need only to consider positive x.
+ * 2. if x < 2^-28 (hx<0x3e300000 0), return x with inexact if x!=0.
+ * 3. tan(x) is approximated by a odd polynomial of degree 27 on
+ * [0,0.67434]
+ * 3 27
+ * tan(x) ~ x + T1*x + ... + T13*x
+ * where
+ *
+ * |tan(x) 2 4 26 | -59.2
+ * |----- - (1+T1*x +T2*x +.... +T13*x )| <= 2
+ * | x |
+ *
+ * Note: tan(x+y) = tan(x) + tan'(x)*y
+ * ~ tan(x) + (1+x*x)*y
+ * Therefore, for better accuracy in computing tan(x+y), let
+ * 3 2 2 2 2
+ * r = x *(T2+x *(T3+x *(...+x *(T12+x *T13))))
+ * then
+ * 3 2
+ * tan(x+y) = x + (T1*x + (x *(r+y)+y))
+ *
+ * 4. For x in [0.67434,pi/4], let y = pi/4 - x, then
+ * tan(x) = tan(pi/4-y) = (1-tan(y))/(1+tan(y))
+ * = 1 - 2*(tan(y) - (tan(y)^2)/(1+tan(y)))
+ */
+#include "fdlibm.h"
+static const double xxx[] = {
+ 3.33333333333334091986e-01, /* 3FD55555, 55555563 */
+ 1.33333333333201242699e-01, /* 3FC11111, 1110FE7A */
+ 5.39682539762260521377e-02, /* 3FABA1BA, 1BB341FE */
+ 2.18694882948595424599e-02, /* 3F9664F4, 8406D637 */
+ 8.86323982359930005737e-03, /* 3F8226E3, E96E8493 */
+ 3.59207910759131235356e-03, /* 3F6D6D22, C9560328 */
+ 1.45620945432529025516e-03, /* 3F57DBC8, FEE08315 */
+ 5.88041240820264096874e-04, /* 3F4344D8, F2F26501 */
+ 2.46463134818469906812e-04, /* 3F3026F7, 1A8D1068 */
+ 7.81794442939557092300e-05, /* 3F147E88, A03792A6 */
+ 7.14072491382608190305e-05, /* 3F12B80F, 32F0A7E9 */
+ -1.85586374855275456654e-05, /* BEF375CB, DB605373 */
+ 2.59073051863633712884e-05, /* 3EFB2A70, 74BF7AD4 */
+/* one */ 1.00000000000000000000e+00, /* 3FF00000, 00000000 */
+/* pio4 */ 7.85398163397448278999e-01, /* 3FE921FB, 54442D18 */
+/* pio4lo */ 3.06161699786838301793e-17 /* 3C81A626, 33145C07 */
+#define one xxx[13]
+#define pio4 xxx[14]
+#define pio4lo xxx[15]
+#define T xxx
+/* INDENT ON */
+__kernel_tan(double x, double y, int iy) {
+ double z, r, v, w, s;
+ int ix, hx;
+ hx = __HI(x); /* high word of x */
+ ix = hx & 0x7fffffff; /* high word of |x| */
+ if (ix < 0x3e300000) { /* x < 2**-28 */
+ if ((int) x == 0) { /* generate inexact */
+ if (((ix | __LO(x)) | (iy + 1)) == 0)
+ return one / fabs(x);
+ else {
+ if (iy == 1)
+ return x;
+ else { /* compute -1 / (x+y) carefully */
+ double a, t;
+ z = w = x + y;
+ __LO(z) = 0;
+ v = y - (z - x);
+ t = a = -one / w;
+ __LO(t) = 0;
+ s = one + t * z;
+ return t + a * (s + t * v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ix >= 0x3FE59428) { /* |x| >= 0.6744 */
+ if (hx < 0) {
+ x = -x;
+ y = -y;
+ }
+ z = pio4 - x;
+ w = pio4lo - y;
+ x = z + w;
+ y = 0.0;
+ }
+ z = x * x;
+ w = z * z;
+ /*
+ * Break x^5*(T[1]+x^2*T[2]+...) into
+ * x^5(T[1]+x^4*T[3]+...+x^20*T[11]) +
+ * x^5(x^2*(T[2]+x^4*T[4]+...+x^22*[T12]))
+ */
+ r = T[1] + w * (T[3] + w * (T[5] + w * (T[7] + w * (T[9] +
+ w * T[11]))));
+ v = z * (T[2] + w * (T[4] + w * (T[6] + w * (T[8] + w * (T[10] +
+ w * T[12])))));
+ s = z * x;
+ r = y + z * (s * (r + v) + y);
+ r += T[0] * s;
+ w = x + r;
+ if (ix >= 0x3FE59428) {
+ v = (double) iy;
+ return (double) (1 - ((hx >> 30) & 2)) *
+ (v - 2.0 * (x - (w * w / (w + v) - r)));
+ }
+ if (iy == 1)
+ return w;
+ else {
+ /*
+ * if allow error up to 2 ulp, simply return
+ * -1.0 / (x+r) here
+ */
+ /* compute -1.0 / (x+r) accurately */
+ double a, t;
+ z = w;
+ __LO(z) = 0;
+ v = r - (z - x); /* z+v = r+x */
+ t = a = -1.0 / w; /* a = -1.0/w */
+ __LO(t) = 0;
+ s = 1.0 + t * z;
+ return t + a * (s + t * v);
+ }
diff --git a/src/lisp/s_cos.c b/src/lisp/s_cos.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bab516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lisp/s_cos.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* @(#)s_cos.c 1.3 95/01/18 */
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+/* cos(x)
+ * Return cosine function of x.
+ *
+ * kernel function:
+ * __kernel_sin ... sine function on [-pi/4,pi/4]
+ * __kernel_cos ... cosine function on [-pi/4,pi/4]
+ * __ieee754_rem_pio2 ... argument reduction routine
+ *
+ * Method.
+ * Let S,C and T denote the sin, cos and tan respectively on
+ * [-PI/4, +PI/4]. Reduce the argument x to y1+y2 = x-k*pi/2
+ * in [-pi/4 , +pi/4], and let n = k mod 4.
+ * We have
+ *
+ * n sin(x) cos(x) tan(x)
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------
+ * 0 S C T
+ * 1 C -S -1/T
+ * 2 -S -C T
+ * 3 -C S -1/T
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Special cases:
+ * Let trig be any of sin, cos, or tan.
+ * trig(+-INF) is NaN, with signals;
+ * trig(NaN) is that NaN;
+ *
+ * Accuracy:
+ * TRIG(x) returns trig(x) nearly rounded
+ */
+#include "fdlibm.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+ double cos(double x)
+ double cos(x)
+ double x;
+ double y[2],z=0.0;
+ int n, ix;
+ /* High word of x. */
+ ix = __HI(x);
+ /* |x| ~< pi/4 */
+ ix &= 0x7fffffff;
+ if(ix <= 0x3fe921fb) return __kernel_cos(x,z);
+ /* cos(Inf or NaN) is NaN */
+ else if (ix>=0x7ff00000) return x-x;
+ /* argument reduction needed */
+ else {
+ n = __ieee754_rem_pio2(x,y);
+ switch(n&3) {
+ case 0: return __kernel_cos(y[0],y[1]);
+ case 1: return -__kernel_sin(y[0],y[1],1);
+ case 2: return -__kernel_cos(y[0],y[1]);
+ default:
+ return __kernel_sin(y[0],y[1],1);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/lisp/s_sin.c b/src/lisp/s_sin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43394e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lisp/s_sin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* @(#)s_sin.c 1.3 95/01/18 */
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+/* sin(x)
+ * Return sine function of x.
+ *
+ * kernel function:
+ * __kernel_sin ... sine function on [-pi/4,pi/4]
+ * __kernel_cos ... cose function on [-pi/4,pi/4]
+ * __ieee754_rem_pio2 ... argument reduction routine
+ *
+ * Method.
+ * Let S,C and T denote the sin, cos and tan respectively on
+ * [-PI/4, +PI/4]. Reduce the argument x to y1+y2 = x-k*pi/2
+ * in [-pi/4 , +pi/4], and let n = k mod 4.
+ * We have
+ *
+ * n sin(x) cos(x) tan(x)
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------
+ * 0 S C T
+ * 1 C -S -1/T
+ * 2 -S -C T
+ * 3 -C S -1/T
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Special cases:
+ * Let trig be any of sin, cos, or tan.
+ * trig(+-INF) is NaN, with signals;
+ * trig(NaN) is that NaN;
+ *
+ * Accuracy:
+ * TRIG(x) returns trig(x) nearly rounded
+ */
+#include "fdlibm.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+ double sin(double x)
+ double sin(x)
+ double x;
+ double y[2],z=0.0;
+ int n, ix;
+ /* High word of x. */
+ ix = __HI(x);
+ /* |x| ~< pi/4 */
+ ix &= 0x7fffffff;
+ if(ix <= 0x3fe921fb) return __kernel_sin(x,z,0);
+ /* sin(Inf or NaN) is NaN */
+ else if (ix>=0x7ff00000) return x-x;
+ /* argument reduction needed */
+ else {
+ n = __ieee754_rem_pio2(x,y);
+ switch(n&3) {
+ case 0: return __kernel_sin(y[0],y[1],1);
+ case 1: return __kernel_cos(y[0],y[1]);
+ case 2: return -__kernel_sin(y[0],y[1],1);
+ default:
+ return -__kernel_cos(y[0],y[1]);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/lisp/s_tan.c b/src/lisp/s_tan.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5564b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lisp/s_tan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* @(#)s_tan.c 1.3 95/01/18 */
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+/* tan(x)
+ * Return tangent function of x.
+ *
+ * kernel function:
+ * __kernel_tan ... tangent function on [-pi/4,pi/4]
+ * __ieee754_rem_pio2 ... argument reduction routine
+ *
+ * Method.
+ * Let S,C and T denote the sin, cos and tan respectively on
+ * [-PI/4, +PI/4]. Reduce the argument x to y1+y2 = x-k*pi/2
+ * in [-pi/4 , +pi/4], and let n = k mod 4.
+ * We have
+ *
+ * n sin(x) cos(x) tan(x)
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------
+ * 0 S C T
+ * 1 C -S -1/T
+ * 2 -S -C T
+ * 3 -C S -1/T
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Special cases:
+ * Let trig be any of sin, cos, or tan.
+ * trig(+-INF) is NaN, with signals;
+ * trig(NaN) is that NaN;
+ *
+ * Accuracy:
+ * TRIG(x) returns trig(x) nearly rounded
+ */
+#include "fdlibm.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+ double tan(double x)
+ double tan(x)
+ double x;
+ double y[2],z=0.0;
+ int n, ix;
+ /* High word of x. */
+ ix = __HI(x);
+ /* |x| ~< pi/4 */
+ ix &= 0x7fffffff;
+ if(ix <= 0x3fe921fb) return __kernel_tan(x,z,1);
+ /* tan(Inf or NaN) is NaN */
+ else if (ix>=0x7ff00000) return x-x; /* NaN */
+ /* argument reduction needed */
+ else {
+ n = __ieee754_rem_pio2(x,y);
+ return __kernel_tan(y[0],y[1],1-((n&1)<<1)); /* 1 -- n even
+ -1 -- n odd */
+ }
Summary of changes:
src/lisp/k_cos.c | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/lisp/k_sin.c | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/lisp/k_tan.c | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/lisp/s_cos.c | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/lisp/s_sin.c | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/lisp/s_tan.c | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 542 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/lisp/k_cos.c
create mode 100644 src/lisp/k_sin.c
create mode 100644 src/lisp/k_tan.c
create mode 100644 src/lisp/s_cos.c
create mode 100644 src/lisp/s_sin.c
create mode 100644 src/lisp/s_tan.c
CMU Common Lisp
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