[cmucl-commit] [git] CMU Common Lisp branch master updated. snapshot-2014-01-10-gb689cd5

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 12 01:35:31 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "CMU Common Lisp".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  b689cd596007d208b0eee38dfb1452a881e09072 (commit)
      from  c9a3b19c19a5f2a5a09500c621694cc061cb6d5a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b689cd596007d208b0eee38dfb1452a881e09072
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jan 11 17:32:23 2014 -0800

    Allow stack-tn's to be accessed in the float arith vops.
    The vops can directly access stack tn's now instead of having to load
    it into a register first.

diff --git a/src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp b/src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp
index 7ba25ab..bd82461 100644
--- a/src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp
+++ b/src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp
@@ -756,58 +756,69 @@
   (frob single-float-op single-reg single-float)
   (frob double-float-op double-reg double-float))
-(macrolet ((generate (movinst opinst commutative rtype ea)
-             `(progn
-                (cond
-                  ((location= x r)
-		   ;; x and r are the same.  We can just operate on x,
-		   ;; and we're done.
-		   (sc-case y
-		     (,rtype
-		      (inst ,opinst x y))
-		     (descriptor-reg
-		      (inst ,opinst x (,ea y)))))
-                  ((and ,commutative (location= y r))
-		   ;; y = r and the operation is commutative, so just
-		   ;; do the operation with r and x.
-                   (inst ,opinst y x))
-                  ((not (location= r y))
-		   ;; x, y, and r are three different regs.  So just
-		   ;; move r to x and do the operation on r.
-                   (inst ,movinst r x)
-		   (sc-case y
-		     (,rtype
-		      (inst ,opinst r y))
-		     (descriptor-reg
-		      (inst ,opinst r (,ea y)))))
-                  (t
-		   ;; The hard case where the operation is not
-		   ;; commutative, but y might be r.  Don't want to
-		   ;; destroy y in this case, so use a temp so we
-		   ;; don't accidentally overwrite y.
-                   (inst ,movinst tmp x)
-		   (sc-case y
-		     (,rtype
-		      (inst ,opinst tmp y))
-		     (descriptor-reg
-		      (inst ,opinst tmp (,ea y))))
-                   (inst ,movinst r tmp)))))
+(macrolet ((generate (movinst opinst commutative rtype ea ea-stack)
+	     (let ((stack-sc (if (eq rtype 'single-reg)
+				 'single-stack
+				 'double-stack)))
+	       `(progn
+		  (cond
+		    ((location= x r)
+		     ;; x and r are the same.  We can just operate on x,
+		     ;; and we're done.
+		     (sc-case y
+		       (,rtype
+			(inst ,opinst x y))
+		       (descriptor-reg
+			(inst ,opinst x (,ea y)))
+		       (,stack-sc
+			(inst ,opinst x (,ea-stack y)))))
+		    ((and ,commutative (location= y r))
+		     ;; y = r and the operation is commutative, so just
+		     ;; do the operation with r and x.
+		     (inst ,opinst y x))
+		    ((not (location= r y))
+		     ;; x, y, and r are three different regs.  So just
+		     ;; move r to x and do the operation on r.
+		     (inst ,movinst r x)
+		     (sc-case y
+		       (,rtype
+			(inst ,opinst r y))
+		       (descriptor-reg
+			(inst ,opinst r (,ea y)))
+		       (,stack-sc
+			(inst, opinst r (,ea-stack y)))))
+		    (t
+		     ;; The hard case where the operation is not
+		     ;; commutative, but y might be r.  Don't want to
+		     ;; destroy y in this case, so use a temp so we
+		     ;; don't accidentally overwrite y.
+		     (inst ,movinst tmp x)
+		     (sc-case y
+		       (,rtype
+			(inst ,opinst tmp y))
+		       (descriptor-reg
+			(inst ,opinst tmp (,ea y)))
+		       (,stack-sc
+			(inst, opinst tmp (,ea-stack y))))
+		     (inst ,movinst r tmp))))))
            (frob (op sinst sname scost dinst dname dcost commutative)
                 (define-vop (,sname single-float-op)
 		  (:args (x :scs (single-reg) :target r)
-			 (y :scs (single-reg descriptor-reg)))
+			 (y :scs (single-reg descriptor-reg)
+			    :load-if (not (sc-is y single-stack))))
 		  (:translate ,op)
                   (:temporary (:sc single-reg) tmp)
                   (:generator ,scost
-                    (generate movss ,sinst ,commutative single-reg ea-for-sf-desc)))
+                    (generate movss ,sinst ,commutative single-reg ea-for-sf-desc ea-for-sf-stack)))
                 (define-vop (,dname double-float-op)
 		  (:args (x :scs (double-reg) :target r)
-			 (y :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg)))
+			 (y :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg)
+			    :load-if (not (sc-is y double-stack))))
                   (:translate ,op)
-                  (:temporary (:sc single-reg) tmp)
+                  (:temporary (:sc double-reg) tmp)
                   (:generator ,dcost
-                    (generate movsd ,dinst ,commutative double-reg ea-for-df-desc))))))
+                    (generate movsd ,dinst ,commutative double-reg ea-for-df-desc ea-for-df-stack))))))
   (frob + addss +/single-float 2 addsd +/double-float 2 t)
   (frob - subss -/single-float 2 subsd -/double-float 2 nil)
   (frob * mulss */single-float 4 mulsd */double-float 5 t)


Summary of changes:
 src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp |   93 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

CMU Common Lisp

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