[cmucl-commit] [git] CMU Common Lisp branch rtoy-simp-dd-trig created. snapshot-2013-12-a-25-g712df0b

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sat Dec 21 01:01:09 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "CMU Common Lisp".

The branch, rtoy-simp-dd-trig has been created
        at  712df0bc4e655226bc5c9ed91aa9c875b4a5eb0d (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 712df0bc4e655226bc5c9ed91aa9c875b4a5eb0d
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 20 16:47:21 2013 -0800

    Add tests for dd-%sincos.

diff --git a/src/tests/trig.lisp b/src/tests/trig.lisp
index 911b623..b46c904 100644
--- a/src/tests/trig.lisp
+++ b/src/tests/trig.lisp
@@ -388,3 +388,46 @@
+(define-test dd-sincos.signed-zeroes
+  "Test sincos at 0d0, -0d0"
+  (:tag :sincos :signed-zeroes :double-double)
+  (assert-equal '(0w0 1w0)
+		(multiple-value-list (kernel::dd-%sincos 0w0)))
+  (assert-equal '(-0w0 1w0)
+		(multiple-value-list (kernel::dd-%sincos -0w0))))
+;; Test sincos at a bunch of random points and compare the result from
+;; sin and cos.  If they differ, save the result in a list to be
+;; returned.
+(defun dd-sincos-test (limit n)
+  (let (results)
+    (dotimes (k n)
+      (let* ((x (random limit))
+	     (s-exp (sin x))
+	     (c-exp (cos x)))
+	(multiple-value-bind (s c)
+	    (kernel::dd-%sincos x)
+	  (unless (and (eql s s-exp)
+		       (eql c c-exp))
+	    (push (list x
+			(list s s-exp)
+			(list c c-exp))
+		  results)))))
+    results))
+(define-test dd-sincos.consistent
+  "Test sincos is consistent with sin and cos"
+  (:tag :sincos :double-double)
+  ;; Small values
+  (assert-eql nil
+	      (dd-sincos-test (/ kernel:dd-pi 4) 1000))
+  ;; Medium
+  (assert-eql nil
+	      (dd-sincos-test 16w0 1000))
+  ;; Large
+  (assert-eql nil
+	      (dd-sincos-test (scale-float 1w0 120) 1000))
+  ;; Very large
+  (assert-eql nil
+	      (dd-sincos-test (scale-float 1w0 1023) 1000)))

commit bf84dbc8c5bd5478fd36b55f99e119cfff11ca6d
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 20 16:47:07 2013 -0800

    Add dd-%sincos and use it as needed instead of calling sin and cos

diff --git a/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp b/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
index 6661f2b..381d678 100644
--- a/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
+++ b/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
@@ -1191,6 +1191,29 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
 	       (dd-%%tan reduced)
 	       (- (/ (dd-%%tan reduced))))))))
+(defun dd-%sincos (x)
+  (declare (double-double-float x))
+  (cond ((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
+	 (values (dd-%%sin x)
+		 (dd-%%cos x)))
+	(t
+	 ;; Argument reduction needed
+	 (multiple-value-bind (n reduced)
+	     (reduce-arg x)
+	   (case (logand n 3)
+	     (0
+	      (values (dd-%%sin reduced)
+		      (dd-%%cos reduced)))
+	     (1
+	      (values (dd-%%cos reduced)
+		      (- (dd-%%sin reduced))))
+	     (2
+	      (values (- (dd-%%sin reduced))
+		      (- (dd-%%cos reduced))))
+	     (3
+	      (values (- (dd-%%cos reduced))
+		      (dd-%%sin reduced))))))))
 ;;; dd-%log2
 ;;; Base 2 logarithm.
diff --git a/src/code/irrat.lisp b/src/code/irrat.lisp
index 4ccf80a..078e56f 100644
--- a/src/code/irrat.lisp
+++ b/src/code/irrat.lisp
@@ -1298,7 +1298,9 @@
 		    (coerce s '(dispatch-type theta)))))
-	 (complex (cos theta) (sin theta))))))
+	 (multiple-value-bind (s c)
+	     (dd-%sincos theta)
+	   (complex c s))))))
 (defun asin (number)
   "Return the arc sine of NUMBER."
diff --git a/src/compiler/float-tran.lisp b/src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
index d123d18..34acdeb 100644
--- a/src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+++ b/src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
@@ -748,8 +748,9 @@
 (deftransform cis ((z) (double-double-float) *)
-  ;; Cis.
-  '(complex (cos z) (sin z)))
+  `(multiple-value-bind (s c)
+       (kernel::dd-%sincos x)
+     (complex c s)))
 ;;; The argument range is limited on the x86 FP trig. functions. A

commit 2e3e48d466c67a09ea7aeb23106fdc50143be3b5
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 20 16:07:12 2013 -0800

    Add tests for double-double trig functions.

diff --git a/src/tests/trig.lisp b/src/tests/trig.lisp
index 58d10b6..911b623 100644
--- a/src/tests/trig.lisp
+++ b/src/tests/trig.lisp
@@ -215,3 +215,176 @@
   (assert-eql nil
 	      (sincos-test (scale-float 1d0 1023) 1000)))
+;; Compute the relative error between actual and expected if expected
+;; is not zero. Otherwise, return absolute error between actual and
+;; expected.  If the error is less than the threshold, return T.
+;; Otherwise return the actual (relative or absolute) error.
+(defun rel-or-abs-error (actual expected &optional (threshold double-float-epsilon))
+  (let ((err (if (zerop expected)
+		 (abs (- actual expected))
+		 (/ (abs (- actual expected))
+		    (abs expected)))))
+    (if (<= err threshold)
+	t
+	err)))
+(define-test dd-sin.signed-zeroes
+  "Test sin for 0w0 and -0w0"
+  (:tag :sin :double-double :signed-zeroes)
+  (assert-eql 0w0 (sin 0w0))
+  (assert-equal -0w0 (sin -0w0)))
+(define-test dd-sin.no-reduction
+  "Test sin for small args without reduction"
+  (:tag :sin :double-double)
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin .5w0)
+		4.794255386042030002732879352155713880818033679406006751886166131w-1
+		1w-32))
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin -0.5w0)
+		-4.794255386042030002732879352155713880818033679406006751886166131w-1
+		1w-32)))
+(define-test dd-sin.pi/2
+  "Test for arg near pi/2"
+  (:tag :sin :double-double)
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin (/ kernel:dd-pi 2))
+		1w0
+		1w-50)))
+;; The reference value were computed using maxima.  Here's how to
+;; compute the reference value.  Set fpprec:64 to tell maxima to use
+;; 64 digits of precision. For 7/4*pi, do (integer-decode-float (* 7/4
+;; kernel:dd-pi)) to get the exact rational representation of the
+;; desired double-double-float.  Then bfloat(sin(<rational>)).
+(define-test dd-sin.arg-reduction
+  "Test for sin with arg reduction"
+  (:tag :sin :double-double)
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 0
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin (* 7/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		-7.07106781186547524400844362104849691328261037289050238659653433w-1
+		0w0))
+    ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 1
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin (* 9/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		7.07106781186547524400844362104858161816423215627023442400880643w-1
+		0w0))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 2
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin (* 11/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		7.071067811865475244008443621048998682901731241858306822215522497w-1
+		8.716w-33))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 3
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin (* 13/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		-7.071067811865475244008443621048777109664479707052746581685893187w-1
+		8.716w-33))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction, big value
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(sin (scale-float 1w0 120))
+		3.778201093607520226555484700569229919605866976512306642257987199w-1
+		8.156w-33)))
+(define-test dd-cos.signed-zeroes
+  "Test cos for 0w0 and -0w0"
+  (:tag :cos :double-double :signed-zeroes)
+  (assert-eql 1w0 (cos 0w0))
+  (assert-equal 1w0 (cos -0w0)))
+(define-test dd-cos.no-reduction
+  "Test cos for small args without reduction"
+  (:tag :cos :double-double)
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos .5w0)
+		8.775825618903727161162815826038296519916451971097440529976108683w-1
+		0w0))
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos -0.5w0)
+		8.775825618903727161162815826038296519916451971097440529976108683w-1
+		0w0)))
+(define-test dd-cos.pi/2
+  "Test for arg near pi/2"
+  (:tag :cos :double-double)
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos (/ kernel:dd-pi 2))
+		-1.497384904859169777320797133937725094986669701841027904483071358w-33
+		0w0)))
+(define-test dd-cos.arg-reduction
+  "Test for cos with arg reduction"
+  (:tag :cos :double-double)
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 0
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos (* 7/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		7.07106781186547524400844362104849691328261037289050238659653433w-1
+		0w0))
+    ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 1
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos (* 9/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		7.07106781186547524400844362104858161816423215627023442400880643w-1
+		3.487w-32))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 2
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos (* 11/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		-7.071067811865475244008443621048998682901731241858306822215522497w-1
+		1.482w-31))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n mod 4 = 3
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos (* 13/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		-7.071067811865475244008443621048777109664479707052746581685893187w-1
+		7.845w-32))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction, big value
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(cos (scale-float 1w0 120))
+		-9.258790228548378673038617641074149467308332099286564602360493726w-1
+		0w0)))
+(define-test dd-tan.signed-zeroes
+  "Test tan for 0w0 and -0w0"
+  (:tag :tan :double-double :signed-zeroes)
+  (assert-eql 0w0 (tan 0w0))
+  (assert-equal -0w0 (tan -0w0)))
+(define-test dd-tan.no-reduction
+  "Test tan for small args without reduction"
+  (:tag :tan :double-double)
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(tan .5w0)
+		5.463024898437905132551794657802853832975517201797912461640913859w-1
+		0w0))
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(tan -0.5w0)
+		-5.463024898437905132551794657802853832975517201797912461640913859w-1
+		0w0)))
+(define-test dd-tan.pi/2
+  "Test for arg near pi/2"
+  (:tag :tan :double-double)
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(tan (/ kernel:dd-pi 2))
+		-6.67830961000672557834948096545679895621313886078988606234681001w32
+		0w0)))
+(define-test dd-tan.arg-reduction
+  "Test for tan with arg reduction"
+  (:tag :tan :double-double)
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n even
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(tan (* 7/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		-1.000000000000000000000000000000001844257310064121018312678894979w0
+		6.467w-33))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction with n odd
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(tan (* 9/4 kernel:dd-pi))
+		1.000000000000000000000000000000025802415787810837455445433037983w0
+		5.773w-33))
+  ;; Test for argument reduction, big value
+  (assert-eq t (rel-or-abs-error
+		(tan (scale-float 1w0 120))
+		-4.080663888418042385451434945255951177650840227682488471558860153w-1
+		1.888w-33)))

commit 949acab5719c22e51a45a936271b46b04edaa8ac
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 20 16:06:40 2013 -0800

    For dd-%%sin, return x if x is small enough.  (Makes sin(-0w0) be

diff --git a/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp b/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
index 170bc06..6661f2b 100644
--- a/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
+++ b/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
@@ -1000,8 +1000,11 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
   (declare (type (double-double-float -1w0 1w0) x)
 	   (optimize (speed 2) (space 0)
 		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (let ((x2 (* x x)))
-    (+ x (* x (* x2 (poly-eval x2 sincof))))))
+  (if (< (abs (double-double-hi x))
+	      (scale-float 1d0 -52))
+      x
+      (let ((x2 (* x x)))
+	(+ x (* x (* x2 (poly-eval x2 sincof)))))))
 ;; cos(x) = 1 - .5 x^2 + x^2 (x^2 P(x^2))
 ;; Theoretical peak relative error = 2.1e-37,

commit 6f25e2e894bdf13c00a29651031ad0bbedb50f0e
Merge: 408aa78 82d0a77
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 20 12:39:48 2013 -0800

    Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-simp-dd-trig

commit 408aa78aa3947f2c8f8a5b2a03429d5c05e93fbe
Merge: 00bd409 01a3f47
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 20 07:44:09 2013 -0800

    Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-simp-dd-trig

commit 00bd409b8d9de4f5f6223bf4d017e6f1c0826e48
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 12 18:48:41 2013 -0800

    Simplify dd-%%sin, dd-%%cos, and dd-%%tan.
    These routines did argument reduction, but since we use
    __kernel_rem_pio2 to do accurate argument reduction, the argument
    reduction in these routines is a waste of time.  This greatly
    simplifies the routines to just the polynomial (or rational)

diff --git a/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp b/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
index 4c57165..170bc06 100644
--- a/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
+++ b/src/code/irrat-dd.lisp
@@ -995,6 +995,14 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
+;; Compute sin(x) for |x| < pi/4 (approx).
+(defun dd-%%sin (x)
+  (declare (type (double-double-float -1w0 1w0) x)
+	   (optimize (speed 2) (space 0)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (let ((x2 (* x x)))
+    (+ x (* x (* x2 (poly-eval x2 sincof))))))
 ;; cos(x) = 1 - .5 x^2 + x^2 (x^2 P(x^2))
 ;; Theoretical peak relative error = 2.1e-37,
 ;; relative peak error spread = 1.4e-8
@@ -1016,101 +1024,17 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
-(defconstant dp1
-  (scale-float (float #b1100100100001111110110101010001000100001011010001100001000110100110001001100011001100010100010111000000011 1w0) -106))
-(defconstant dp2
-  (scale-float (float #b0111000001110011010001001010010000001001001110000010001000101001100111110011000111010000000010000010111011 1w0) (* 2 -106)))
-(defconstant dp3
-  (scale-float (float #b1110101001100011101100010011100110110010001001010001010010100000100001111001100011100011010000000100110111 1w0) (* 3 -106)))
-(defconstant dp4
-  (scale-float (float #b0111101111100101010001100110110011110011010011101001000011000110110011000000101011000010100110110111110010 1w0) (* 4 -106)))
-(defun dd-%%sin (x)
-  (declare (type double-double-float x)
-	   (optimize (speed 2) (space 0)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (when (minusp x)
-    (return-from dd-%%sin (- (the double-double-float (dd-%%sin (- x))))))
-  ;; y = integer part of x/(pi/4).  
-  (let* ((y (float (floor (/ x dd-pi/4)) 1w0))
-	 (z (scale-float y -4)))
-    (declare (type double-double-float y z))
-    (setf z (float (floor z) 1w0))	; integer part of y/8
-    (setf z (- y (scale-float z 4)))	; y - 16*(y/16)
-    (let ((j (truncate z))
-	  (sign 1))
-      (declare (type (integer -1 1) sign))
-      (unless (zerop (logand j 1))
-	(incf j)
-	(incf y))
-      (setf j (logand j 7))
-      (when (> j 3)
-	(setf sign (- sign))
-	(decf j 4))
-      ;; Extended precision modular arithmetic
-      (setf z (- (- (- x (* y dp1))
-		    (* y dp2))
-		 (* y dp3)))
-      (let ((zz (* z z)))
-	(if (or (= j 1)
-		(= j 2))
-	    (setf y (+ (- 1 (scale-float zz -1))
-		       (* zz zz (poly-eval zz coscof))))
-	    (setf y (+ z (* z (* zz (poly-eval zz sincof))))))
-	(if (< sign 0)
-	    (- y)
-	    y)))))
+;; Compue cos(x) for |x| < pi/4 (approx)
 (defun dd-%%cos (x)
-  (declare (type double-double-float x)
+  (declare (type (double-double-float -1w0 1w0) x)
 	   (optimize (speed 2) (space 0)
 		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (when (minusp x)
-    (return-from dd-%%cos (dd-%%cos (- x))))
-  ;; y = integer part of x/(pi/4).  
-  (let* ((y (float (floor (/ x dd-pi/4)) 1w0))
-	 (z (scale-float y -4)))
-    (declare (type double-double-float y z))
-    (setf z (float (floor z) 1w0))	; integer part of y/8
-    (setf z (- y (scale-float z 4)))	; y - 16*(y/16)
-    (let ((i (truncate z))
-	  (j 0)
-	  (sign 1))
-      (declare (type (integer 0 7) j)
-	       (type (integer -1 1) sign))
-      (unless (zerop (logand i 1))
-	(incf i)
-	(incf y))
-      (setf j (logand i 7))
-      (when (> j 3)
-	(setf sign (- sign))
-	(decf j 4))
-      (when (> j 1)
-	(setf sign (- sign)))
-      ;; Extended precision modular arithmetic.  This is basically
-      ;; computing x - y*(pi/4) accurately so that |z| < pi/4.
-      (setf z (- (- (- x (* y dp1))
-		    (* y dp2))
-		 (* y dp3)))
-      (let ((zz (* z z)))
-	(if (or (= j 1)
-		(= j 2))
-	    (setf y (+ z (* z (* zz (poly-eval zz sincof)))))
-	    (setf y (+ (- 1 (scale-float zz -1))
-		       (* zz (poly-eval zz coscof) zz))))
-	(if (< sign 0)
-	    (- y)
-	    y)))))
+  (let ((x2 (* x x)))
+    (+ (- 1 (scale-float x2 -1))
+       (* x2 (poly-eval x2 coscof) x2))))
+;; Compute tan(x) or cot(x) for |x| < pi/4 (approx). If cotflag is
+;; non-nil, cot(x) is returned.  Otherwise, return tan(x).
 (let ((P (make-array 6 :element-type 'double-double-float
@@ -1132,50 +1056,18 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
-  (defun dd-tancot (xx cotflag)
-    (declare (type double-double-float xx)
-	     (optimize (speed 2) (space 0)))
-    (let ((x 0w0)
-	  (sign 1))
-      (declare (type double-double-float x)
-	       (type (integer -1 1) sign))
-      (cond ((minusp xx)
-	     (setf x (- xx))
-	     (setf sign -1))
-	    (t
-	     (setf x xx)))
-      (let* ((y (float (floor (/ x dd-pi/4)) 1w0))
-	     (z (scale-float y -4))
-	     (j 0))
-	(declare (type double-double-float y z)
-		 (type fixnum j))
-	(setf z (float (floor z) 1w0))
-	(setf z (- y (scale-float z 4)))
-	(setf j (truncate z))
-	(unless (zerop (logand j 1))
-	  (incf j)
-	  (incf y))
-	(setf z (- (- (- x (* y dp1))
-		      (* y dp2))
-		   (* y dp3)))
-	(let ((zz (* z z)))
-	  (if (> zz 1w-40)
-	      (setf y (+ z
-			 (* z (* zz (/ (poly-eval zz p)
-				       (poly-eval-1 zz q))))))
-	      (setf y z))
-	  (if (not (zerop (logand j 2)))
-	      (if cotflag
-		  (setf y (- y))
-		  (setf y (/ -1 y)))
-	      (if cotflag
-		  (setf y (/ y))))
-	  (if (< sign 0)
-	      (- y)
-	      y))))))
+  (defun dd-tancot (x cotflag)
+    (declare (type (double-double-float -1w0 1w0) x)
+	     (optimize (speed 2) (space 0) (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+    (let* ((xx (* x x))
+	   (y (if (> xx 1w-40)
+		  (+ x
+		     (* x (* xx (/ (poly-eval xx p)
+				   (poly-eval-1 xx q)))))
+		  x)))
+      (if cotflag
+	  (/ y)
+	  y))))
 (defun dd-%%tan (x)
   (declare (type double-double-float x))
@@ -1254,9 +1146,7 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
 (defun dd-%sin (x)
   (declare (double-double-float x))
-  (cond ((minusp (float-sign x))
-	 (- (dd-%sin (- x))))
-	((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
+  (cond ((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
 	 (dd-%%sin x))
 	 ;; Argument reduction needed
@@ -1272,9 +1162,7 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
 (defun dd-%cos (x)
   (declare (double-double-float x))
-  (cond ((minusp x)
-	 (dd-%cos (- x)))
-	((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
+  (cond ((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
 	 (dd-%%cos x))
 	 ;; Argument reduction needed
@@ -1290,9 +1178,7 @@ pi/4    11001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000 010001101001100010
 (defun dd-%tan (x)
   (declare (double-double-float x))
-  (cond ((minusp (float-sign x))
-	 (- (dd-%tan (- x))))
-	((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
+  (cond ((< (abs x) (/ pi 4))
 	 (dd-%%tan x))
 	 ;; Argument reduction needed


CMU Common Lisp

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