[cmucl-commit] [git] CMU Common Lisp branch master updated. release-20c-23-geea8746

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sat Nov 19 05:31:23 CET 2011

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "CMU Common Lisp".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  eea87468f7479a152a34ff2ad8f6fd53a011c36b (commit)
      from  44ca897b25dda1179df1d8bfa3469d75594385d6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit eea87468f7479a152a34ff2ad8f6fd53a011c36b
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 18 20:27:26 2011 -0800

    Remove hppa-assem.s.  It's not referenced anywhere.

diff --git a/src/lisp/hppa-assem.s b/src/lisp/hppa-assem.s
deleted file mode 100644
index f021720..0000000
--- a/src/lisp/hppa-assem.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#include "internals.h"
-#include "lispregs.h"
-	.import $global$,data
-	.import foreign_function_call_active,data
-	.import current_control_stack_pointer,data
-	.import current_control_frame_pointer,data
-	.import current_binding_stack_pointer,data
-	.import current_dynamic_space_free_pointer,data
-	.space	$TEXT$
-	.subspa	$CODE$
-	.import $$dyncall,MILLICODE
- * Call-into-lisp
- */
-	.export call_into_lisp
-	.proc
-	.callinfo entry_gr=18,save_rp
-	.enter
-	/* arg0=function, arg1=cfp, arg2=nargs */
-	/* Clear the descriptor regs, moving in args as approporate. */
-	copy	r0,reg_CODE
-	copy	r0,reg_FDEFN
-	copy	arg0,reg_LEXENV
-	zdep	arg2,29,30,reg_NARGS
-	copy	r0,reg_OCFP
-	copy	r0,reg_LRA
-	copy	r0,reg_A0
-	copy	r0,reg_A1
-	copy	r0,reg_A2
-	copy	r0,reg_A3
-	copy	r0,reg_A4
-	copy	r0,reg_A5
-	copy	r0,reg_L0
-	copy	r0,reg_L1
-	copy	r0,reg_L2
-	/* Establish NIL. */
-	ldil	L%NIL,reg_NULL
-	ldo	R%NIL(reg_NULL),reg_NULL
-	/* Turn on pseudo-atomic. */
-	ldo	4(r0),reg_ALLOC
-	/* No longer in foreign function call land. */
-	addil	L%foreign_function_call_active-$global$,dp
-	stw	r0,R%foreign_function_call_active-$global$(0,r1)
-	/* Load lisp state. */
-	addil	L%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$,dp
-	ldw	R%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$(0,r1),r1
-	add	reg_ALLOC,r1,reg_ALLOC
-	addil	L%current_binding_stack_pointer-$global$,dp
-	ldw	R%current_binding_stack_pointer-$global$(0,r1),reg_BSP
-	addil	L%current_control_stack_pointer-$global$,dp
-	ldw	R%current_control_stack_pointer-$global$(0,r1),reg_CSP
-	addil	L%current_control_frame_pointer-$global$,dp
-	ldw	R%current_control_frame_pointer-$global$(0,r1),reg_OCFP
-	copy	arg1,reg_CFP
-	/* End of pseudo-atomic. */
-	addit,od	-4,reg_ALLOC,reg_ALLOC
-	/* Establish lisp arguments. */
-	ldw	0(reg_CFP),reg_A0
-	ldw	4(reg_CFP),reg_A1
-	ldw	8(reg_CFP),reg_A2
-	ldw	12(reg_CFP),reg_A3
-	ldw	16(reg_CFP),reg_A4
-	ldw	20(reg_CFP),reg_A5
-	/* Calculate the LRA. */
-	ldil	L%lra+type_OtherPointer,reg_LRA
-	ldo	R%lra+type_OtherPointer(reg_LRA),reg_LRA
-	/* Indirect the closure */
-	addi	6*4-type_FunctionPointer,reg_CODE,reg_LIP
-	/* And into lisp we go. */
-	.export break_here
-	be,n	0(sr5,reg_LIP)
-	.align	8
-	.word	type_ReturnPcHeader
-	copy	reg_OCFP,reg_CSP
-	/* Copy CFP (r4) into someplace else and restore r4. */
-	copy	reg_CFP,reg_NL1
-	ldw	-64(0,sp),r4
-	/* Copy the return value. */
-	copy	reg_A0,ret0
-	/* Turn on pseudo-atomic. */
-	addi	4,reg_ALLOC,reg_ALLOC
-	/* Store the lisp state. */
-	copy	reg_ALLOC,reg_NL0
-	depi	0,31,3,reg_NL0
-	addil	L%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_NL0,R%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	addil	L%current_binding_stack_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_BSP,R%current_binding_stack_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	addil	L%current_control_stack_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_CSP,R%current_control_stack_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	addil	L%current_control_frame_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_NL1,R%current_control_frame_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	/* Back in C land.  [CSP is just a handy non-zero value.] */
-	addil	L%foreign_function_call_active-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_CSP,R%foreign_function_call_active-$global$(0,r1)
-	/* Turn off pseudo-atomic and check for traps. */
-	addit,od	-4,reg_ALLOC,reg_ALLOC
-	/* And thats all. */
-	.leave
-	.procend
- * Call-into-C
- */
-	.export call_into_c
-	/* Set up a lisp stack frame.  Note: we convert the raw return pc into
-	 * a fixnum pc-offset because we don't have ahold of an lra object.
-	 */
-	copy	reg_CFP, reg_OCFP
-	copy	reg_CSP, reg_CFP
-	addi	32, reg_CSP, reg_CSP
-	stw	reg_OCFP, 0(0,reg_CFP)
-	sub	reg_LIP, reg_CODE, reg_NL5
-	addi	3-type_OtherPointer, reg_NL5, reg_NL5
-	stw	reg_NL5, 4(0,reg_CFP)
-	stw	reg_CODE, 8(0,reg_CFP)
-	/* Turn on pseudo-atomic. */
-	addi	4, reg_ALLOC, reg_ALLOC
-	/* Store the lisp state. */
-	copy	reg_ALLOC,reg_NL5
-	depi	0,31,3,reg_NL5
-	addil	L%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_NL5,R%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	addil	L%current_binding_stack_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_BSP,R%current_binding_stack_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	addil	L%current_control_stack_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_CSP,R%current_control_stack_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	addil	L%current_control_frame_pointer-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_CFP,R%current_control_frame_pointer-$global$(0,r1)
-	/* Back in C land.  [CSP is just a handy non-zero value.] */
-	addil	L%foreign_function_call_active-$global$,dp
-	stw	reg_CSP,R%foreign_function_call_active-$global$(0,r1)
-	/* Turn off pseudo-atomic and check for traps. */
-	addit,od	-4,reg_ALLOC,reg_ALLOC
-	/* in order to be able to call incrementally linked (ld -A) functions,
-	   we have to do some mild trickery here */
-	copy  reg_CFUNC,%r22
-	bl    $$dyncall,r31
-	copy  r31, r2
-	/* Clear the callee saves descriptor regs. */
-	copy	r0, reg_A5
-	copy	r0, reg_L0
-	copy	r0, reg_L1
-	copy	r0, reg_L2
-	/* Turn on pseudo-atomic. */
-	ldi	4, reg_ALLOC
-	/* Turn off foreign function call. */
-	addil	L%foreign_function_call_active-$global$,dp
-	stw	r0,R%foreign_function_call_active-$global$(0,r1)
-	/* Load ALLOC. */
-	addil	L%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$,dp
-	ldw	R%current_dynamic_space_free_pointer-$global$(0,r1),r1
-	add	reg_ALLOC,r1,reg_ALLOC
-	/* We don't need to load OCFP, CFP, CSP, or BSP because they are
-	 * in caller saves registers.
-	 */
-	/* End of pseudo-atomic. */
-	addit,od	-4,reg_ALLOC,reg_ALLOC
-	/* Restore CODE.  Even though it is in a callee saves register
-	 * it might have been GC'ed.
-	 */
-	ldw	8(0,reg_CFP), reg_CODE
-	/* Restore the return pc. */
-	ldw	4(0,reg_CFP), reg_NL0
-	addi	type_OtherPointer-3, reg_NL0, reg_NL0
-	add	reg_CODE, reg_NL0, reg_LIP
-	/* Pop the lisp stack frame, and back we go. */
-	copy	reg_CFP, reg_CSP
-	be	0(4,reg_LIP)
-	copy	reg_OCFP, reg_CFP
- * Stuff to sanctify a block of memory for execution.
- */
-	.EXPORT sanctify_for_execution
-	.proc
-	.callinfo
-	.enter
-	/* arg0=start addr, arg1=length in bytes */
-	add	arg0,arg1,arg1
-	ldo	-1(arg1),arg1
-	depi	0,31,5,arg0
-	depi	0,31,5,arg1
-	ldsid	(arg0),r19
-	mtsp	r19,sr1
-	ldi	32,r19			; bytes per cache line
-	fdc	0(sr1,arg0)
-	comb,<	arg0,arg1,sanctify_loop
-	fic,m	r19(sr1,arg0)
-	.leave
-	.procend
- * Trampolines.
- */
-	.EXPORT closure_tramp
-	/* reg_FDEFN holds the fdefn object. */
-	addi	FUNCTION_CODE_OFFSET, reg_L0, reg_LIP
-	bv,n	0(reg_LIP)
-	.EXPORT undefined_tramp
-	break	trap_Error,0
-        /* Number of argument bytes */
-        .byte	4
-        /* Escape to create 16bit BE number from following two values */
-        .byte	254
-        /* SC_OFFSET(sc_DescriptorReg,reg_LEXENV) */
-	/* Shouldn't this be reg_FDEFN, instead? */
-        .byte	(0x40 + sc_DescriptorReg)
-        .byte	1
-	.align	4
- * Core saving/restoring support
- */
-	.export call_on_stack
-	/* arg0 = fn to invoke, arg1 = new stack base */
-	/* Compute the new stack pointer. */
-	addi	64,arg1,sp
-	/* Zero out the previous stack pointer. */
-	stw	r0,-4(0,sp)
-	/* Invoke the function. */
-	ble	0(4,arg0)
-	copy	r31, r2
-	/* Flame out. */
-	break	0,0
-	.export	save_state
-	.proc
-	.callinfo entry_gr=18,entry_fr=21,save_rp,calls
-	.enter
-	/* Remember the function we want to invoke */
-	copy	arg0,r19
-	/* Pass the new stack pointer in as arg0 */
-	copy	sp,arg0
-	/* Leave arg1 as arg1. */
-	/* do the call. */
-	ble	0(4,r19)
-	copy	r31, r2
-	.leave
-	.procend
-	.export	restore_state
-	.proc
-	.callinfo
-	copy	arg0,sp
-	b	_restore_state
-	copy	arg1,ret0
-	.procend
-	.export SingleStepTraps
-	break	trap_SingleStepBreakpoint,0
-	break	trap_SingleStepBreakpoint,0
-	.align	8
-	.export function_end_breakpoint_guts
-	.word	type_ReturnPcHeader
-	/* multiple value return point -- just jump to trap. */
-	b,n	function_end_breakpoint_trap
-	/* single value return point -- convert to multiple w/ n=1 */
-	copy	reg_CSP, reg_OCFP
-	addi	4, reg_CSP, reg_CSP
-	addi	4, r0, reg_NARGS
-	copy	reg_NULL, reg_A1
-	copy	reg_NULL, reg_A2
-	copy	reg_NULL, reg_A3
-	copy	reg_NULL, reg_A4
-	copy	reg_NULL, reg_A5
-	.export	function_end_breakpoint_trap
-	break	trap_FunctionEndBreakpoint,0
-	b,n	function_end_breakpoint_trap
-	.export	function_end_breakpoint_end


Summary of changes:
 src/lisp/hppa-assem.s |  356 -------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/lisp/hppa-assem.s

CMU Common Lisp

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