[cmucl-commit] CMUCL commit: src/tools (make-src-dist.sh)

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Mon Jun 27 17:45:19 CEST 2011

    Date: Monday, June 27, 2011 @ 08:45:19
  Author: rtoy
    Path: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/tools

Modified: make-src-dist.sh

Usability and internal restructuring.

o Add usage message.
o Don't include the emacs-style backup files that are sometimes
  created for the pot files.

 make-src-dist.sh |   17 +++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Index: src/tools/make-src-dist.sh
diff -u src/tools/make-src-dist.sh:1.2 src/tools/make-src-dist.sh:1.3
--- src/tools/make-src-dist.sh:1.2	Thu Aug 13 18:31:11 2009
+++ src/tools/make-src-dist.sh	Mon Jun 27 08:45:19 2011
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
+usage() {
+    echo "make-src-dist.sh: [-bgh] [-t gnutar] [-I destdir] version"
+    echo "  -h           This help"
+    echo "  -b           Use bzip2 compression"
+    echo "  -g           Use gzip compression"
+    echo "  -t tar       Name/path to GNU tar"
+    echo "  -I destdir   Install directly to given directory instead of creating a tarball"
+    echo ""
+    echo 'Create a tar ball of the cmucl sources.  The tarball is named '
+    echo 'cmucl-src-$version.tar.bz2  (or gz if using gzip compression)'
 while getopts "bgh?t:I:" arg
     case $arg in
@@ -25,10 +37,11 @@
+GTAR_OPTIONS="--exclude=CVS --exclude='*.pot.~*~'"
 if [ -z "$INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
     echo "  Compressing with $ZIP"
-    ${GTAR:-tar} --exclude=CVS -cf - src | ${ZIP} > cmucl-src-$VERSION.tar.$ZIPEXT
+    ${GTAR:-tar} ${GTAR_OPTIONS} -cf - src | ${ZIP} > cmucl-src-$VERSION.tar.$ZIPEXT
     # Install in the specified directory
-    ${GTAR:-tar} --exclude=CVS -cf - src | (cd $INSTALL_DIR; ${GTAR:-tar} xf -)
+    ${GTAR:-tar} ${GTAR_OPTIONS} -cf - src | (cd $INSTALL_DIR; ${GTAR:-tar} xf -)

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