CMUCL commit: src/code (unidata.lisp)
Raymond Toy
rtoy at
Fri Sep 17 17:59:45 CEST 2010
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 11:59:45
Author: rtoy
Path: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code
Modified: unidata.lisp
Add support for character completion. This is primarily intended to
support character completion for slime. The implementation is from
Paul Foley, but some slight modifications by Raymond Toy to handle a
few corner cases.
o Modify SEARCH-DICTIONARY to take optional current and posn
parameters so that SEARCH-DICTIONARY can be started from a different
o Add UNICODE-COMPLETE, which is the main function for character name
o Add other support functions for UNICODE-COMPLETE.
unidata.lisp | 301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 260 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
Index: src/code/unidata.lisp
diff -u src/code/unidata.lisp:1.11 src/code/unidata.lisp:1.12
--- src/code/unidata.lisp:1.11 Thu Sep 16 22:11:09 2010
+++ src/code/unidata.lisp Fri Sep 17 11:59:45 2010
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;;; This code was written by Paul Foley and has been placed in the public
;;; domain.
-(ext:file-comment "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/unidata.lisp,v 1.11 2010-09-17 02:11:09 rtoy Exp $")
+(ext:file-comment "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/unidata.lisp,v 1.12 2010-09-17 15:59:45 rtoy Exp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(defconstant +unidata-path+ #p"ext-formats:unidata.bin")
-(defvar *unidata-version* "$Revision: 1.11 $")
+(defvar *unidata-version* "$Revision: 1.12 $")
(defstruct unidata
@@ -290,42 +290,51 @@
-(defun search-dictionary (string dictionary)
+(defun search-dictionary (string dictionary &optional (current 0) (posn 0))
+ "Search the Unicode name dictionary for the longest entry that
+ matches STRING. STRING must be in Unicode name format. That is, it
+ must be upper case with spaces separating each word.
+ Two values are returned. The first value is index into the codebook
+ that continues the string.. The second value is the length of the
+ substring of string that matches the codebook. "
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0)
(ext:inhibit-warnings 3))
- (type string string) (type dictionary dictionary))
+ (type string string) (type dictionary dictionary)
+ (type (unsigned-byte 32) current) (type lisp::index posn))
(let* ((codebook (dictionary-cdbk dictionary))
- (current 0)
- (posn 0)
(stack '()))
- (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) current) (type lisp::index posn))
- (let ((keyv (ash (aref (dictionary-nextv dictionary) current) -18)))
- (dotimes (i (aref (dictionary-keyl dictionary) keyv)
- (if stack
- (let ((next (pop stack)))
- (setq posn (car next) current (cdr next)))
- (return-from search-dictionary nil)))
- (let* ((str (aref codebook (aref (dictionary-keyv dictionary)
- (+ keyv i))))
- (len (length str)))
- (declare (type simple-base-string str))
- (when (and (>= (length string) (+ posn len))
- (string= string str :start1 posn :end1 (+ posn len)))
- (setq current
- (+ (logand (aref (dictionary-nextv dictionary) current)
- #x3FFFF)
- i))
- (when (= (incf posn len) (length string))
- (return-from search-dictionary current))
- (return)) ; from DOTIMES - loop again
- (when (or (string= str " ") (string= str "-"))
- (push (cons posn
- (+ (logand (aref (dictionary-nextv dictionary)
- current)
+ (let ((keyv (ash (aref (dictionary-nextv dictionary) current) -18)))
+ (dotimes (i (aref (dictionary-keyl dictionary) keyv)
+ (if stack
+ (let ((next (pop stack)))
+ (setq posn (car next) current (cdr next)))
+ (return-from search-dictionary nil)))
+ (let* ((str (aref codebook (aref (dictionary-keyv dictionary)
+ (+ keyv i))))
+ (len (length str)))
+ (declare (type simple-base-string str))
+ (cond ((and (>= (length string) (+ posn len))
+ (string= string str :start1 posn :end1 (+ posn len)))
+ (setq current
+ (+ (logand (aref (dictionary-nextv dictionary) current)
- stack))))))))
+ (when (= (incf posn len) (length string))
+ (return-from search-dictionary (values current posn)))
+ (return)) ; from DOTIMES - loop again
+ ((and (< (length string) (+ posn len))
+ (string= string str :start1 posn :end2 (- (length string) posn)))
+ (return-from search-dictionary (values current posn))))
+ (when (or (string= str " ") (string= str "-"))
+ (push (cons posn
+ (+ (logand (aref (dictionary-nextv dictionary)
+ current)
+ #x3FFFF)
+ i))
+ stack))))))))
(defun search-range (code range)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0))
@@ -715,20 +724,22 @@
(unless (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*) (load-names))
- (let* ((names (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*))
- (n (search-dictionary name names)))
- (when n
- (let ((cp (aref (dictionary-codev names) n)))
- (if (minusp cp) nil cp)))))))
+ (let* ((names (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (n p)
+ (search-dictionary name names)
+ (when (and n (= p (length name)))
+ (let ((cp (aref (dictionary-codev names) n)))
+ (if (minusp cp) nil cp))))))))
(defun unicode-1.0-name-to-codepoint (name)
(declare (type string name))
(unless (unidata-name1+ *unicode-data*) (load-1.0-names))
- (let* ((names (unidata-name1+ *unicode-data*))
- (n (search-dictionary name names)))
- (when n
- (let ((cp (aref (dictionary-codev names) n)))
- (if (minusp cp) nil cp)))))
+ (let* ((names (unidata-name1+ *unicode-data*)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (n p)
+ (search-dictionary name names)
+ (when (and n (= p (length name)))
+ (let ((cp (aref (dictionary-codev names) n)))
+ (if (minusp cp) nil cp))))))
(defun unicode-name+ (code ntrie dict)
@@ -1096,3 +1107,211 @@
:katakana :aletter :midnumlet :midletter :midnum
:numeric :extendnumlet)
(unicode-word-break-code code)))
+;; Support for character name completion for slime.
+;; Code written by Paul Foley, with some modifications by Raymond Toy.
+(defun unicode-complete-name (prefix
+ &optional (dict (unidata-name+
+ *unicode-data*)))
+ "Try to complete the string Prefix using the dictionary in Dict.
+ Three values are returned: (1) The best match of prefix, (2) a list
+ of possible completions, (3) a boolean indicating whether the best
+ match is a complete unicode name.
+ The search is only done in the given dictionary so names that are
+ derived algorithmically like Hangul syllables and CJK Unified
+ Ideographs are not found."
+ (unless dict
+ ;; Load the names dictionary, if needed.
+ (unless (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*)
+ (load-names))
+ (setf dict (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*)))
+ (let ((prefix (nsubstitute #\Space #\_ (string-upcase prefix)))
+ completep)
+ (multiple-value-bind (n p)
+ (search-dictionary prefix dict)
+ (when n
+ (setq completep (> (aref (dictionary-codev dict) n) -1)))
+ #+(or debug-uc)
+ (format t "n,p,complete = ~S ~S ~S~%" n p completep)
+ (cond ((not p)
+ (values (%str prefix) nil nil))
+ ((= p (length prefix))
+ ;; The prefix is an exact match to something in the code
+ ;; book. Try to find possible completions of this
+ ;; prefix.
+ (let ((x (node-next n))
+ (suffix ""))
+ #+(or debug-uc)
+ (format t "init x = ~S~%" x)
+ (when (= (length x) 1)
+ ;; There was only one possible extension. Try to
+ ;; extend from there.
+ #+(or debug-uc)
+ (format t "extending~%")
+ (setq suffix (caar x)
+ n (cdar x)
+ x (node-next (cdar x))))
+ #+(or debug-uc)
+ (progn
+ (format t "x = ~S~%" x)
+ (format t "suffix = ~S~%" suffix))
+ (when (<= (length x) 1)
+ (setq prefix (concatenate 'string prefix suffix))
+ (setf suffix ""))
+ (values (%str prefix)
+ (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
+ (%str (concatenate 'string suffix (car e))))
+ x)
+ #'string<)
+ (or (> (aref (dictionary-codev dict) n) -1)
+ completep))))
+ (t
+ ;; The prefix was not an exact match of some entry in the
+ ;; codebook. Try to find some completions from there.
+ (let* ((nodex (node-next n))
+ (x (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
+ (%match (car x) prefix p))
+ nodex)))
+ #+(or debug-uc)
+ (progn
+ (format t "nodex = ~S~%" nodex)
+ (format t "x = ~S~%" x))
+ (setq prefix (subseq prefix 0 p))
+ (cond ((= (length x) 1)
+ ;; Only one possible completion. Try to extend
+ ;; the completions from there.
+ (setq prefix (concatenate 'string prefix (caar x))
+ n (cdar x)
+ x (node-next (cdar x)))
+ (values (%str prefix)
+ (sort (mapcar #'%strx x) #'string<)
+ (> (aref (dictionary-codev dict) n) -1)))
+ (t
+ ;; There's more than one possible completion.
+ ;; Try to extend each of those completions one
+ ;; more step.
+ (let* ((p (mapcan #'(lambda (ex)
+ (let ((next (node-next (cdr ex))))
+ (if next
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (n)
+ (concatenate 'string (car ex) (car n)))
+ (node-next (cdr ex)))
+ (list (car ex)))))
+ x))
+ (q (%mip p)))
+ (setq prefix (concatenate 'string prefix q))
+ (do ((tmp p (cdr tmp)))
+ ((endp tmp))
+ (setf (car tmp) (subseq (car tmp) (length q))))
+ (values (%str prefix)
+ (sort (mapcar #'%str p) #'string<)
+ nil))))))))))
+;; Like unicode-complete-name, but we also try to handle the names
+;; that can be computed algorithmically like the Hangul syllables and
+;; the CJK Unified Ideographs.
+(defun unicode-complete (prefix
+ &optional (dict (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*)))
+ "Search the dictionary in Dict and return a list of the possible
+ completions starting with Prefix. If there is no match, NIL is
+ returned."
+ (let (names)
+ (cond ((search "Hangul_Syllable_" prefix)
+ (initialize-reverse-hangul-tables)
+ ;; We should probably do something better than return all
+ ;; the possible matches, but this works. We remove the
+ ;; things that can't possibly match so that slime has less
+ ;; work.
+ (loop for choseong across *reverse-hangul-choseong* do
+ (loop for junseong across *reverse-hangul-jungseong* do
+ (loop for jongseong across *reverse-hangul-jongseong* do
+ (push (format nil "Hangul_Syllable_~A~A~A"
+ (car choseong)
+ (car junseong)
+ (car jongseong))
+ names))))
+ ;; Remove things that can't have prefix as its prefix.
+ (setf names (delete-if-not #'(lambda (x)
+ (search prefix x :test #'char-equal))
+ names)))
+ ((search "Cjk_Unified_Ideograph-" prefix)
+ ;; We should do something better than this! There are a
+ ;; lot of completions here.
+ (setf names
+ (loop for x from #x4e00 upto #x9fff
+ collect (format nil "Cjk_Unified_Ideograph-~X" x)))
+ ;; Remove things that can't have prefix as its prefix.
+ (setf names (delete-if-not #'(lambda (x)
+ (search prefix x :test #'char-equal))
+ names))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (prefix-match next completep)
+ (unicode-complete-name prefix dict)
+ (loop for x in next
+ do (push (concatenate 'string prefix-match x) names))
+ (when completep
+ (push prefix-match names))
+ ;; Match prefix against Hangul and/or Hangul_syllable
+ (cond ((or (string= prefix-match "Hangul_")
+ (search "Hangul_Syllable_" prefix-match :end1 (min 16 (length prefix-match))))
+ ;; Add syllable as possible completion
+ (push "Hangul_Syllable_" names))
+ ((or11111 ;;(string= prefix-match "Cjk_")
+ (search "Cjk_Unified_Ideograph-" prefix-match :end1 (min 22 (length prefix-match))))
+ ;; Add Unified
+ (push "Cjk_Unified_Ideograph-" names)))
+ (setf names (mapcar #'string-capitalize names))
+ ;;(format t "Final names = ~S~%" names)
+ names)))
+;; Convert the string into the form we want for character names.
+(defun %str (x)
+ (nsubstitute #\_ #\Space (string-capitalize x)))
+(defun %strx (x)
+ (%str (car x)))
+(defun %match (part prefix posn)
+ (and (>= (length part) (- (length prefix) posn))
+ (string= part prefix :start2 posn :end1 (- (length prefix) posn))))
+(defun %match (part prefix posn)
+ (let ((s1 (search part prefix :start2 posn))
+ (s2 (search prefix part :start1 posn)))
+ (or (and s1 (= s1 posn))
+ (and s2 (zerop s2)))))
+(defun %mip (strings)
+ (let* ((first (first strings))
+ (posn (length first)))
+ (dolist (string (rest strings))
+ (setq posn (mismatch first string :end1 posn)))
+ (subseq first 0 posn)))
+(defun node-next (i &aux (dict (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*)))
+ (let* ((j (aref (dictionary-nextv dict) i))
+ (x (ldb (byte 14 18) j))
+ (y (ldb (byte 18 0) j)))
+ (loop for i from 0 below (aref (dictionary-keyl dict) x)
+ collect (close-node (cons (aref (dictionary-cdbk dict)
+ (aref (dictionary-keyv dict) (+ x i)))
+ (+ y i))))))
+(defun close-node (i &aux (dict (unidata-name+ *unicode-data*)))
+ (loop
+ (if (> (aref (dictionary-codev dict) (cdr i)) -1)
+ (return i)
+ (let* ((j (aref (dictionary-nextv dict) (cdr i)))
+ (x (ldb (byte 14 18) j))
+ (y (ldb (byte 18 0) j)))
+ (if (> (aref (dictionary-keyl dict) x) 1)
+ (return i)
+ (let ((k (aref (dictionary-cdbk dict)
+ (aref (dictionary-keyv dict) x))))
+ (setf (car i) (concatenate 'string (car i) k)
+ (cdr i) y)))))))
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