CMUCL commit: src (4 files)

Raymond Toy rtoy at
Mon Sep 6 21:01:56 CEST 2010

    Date: Monday, September 6, 2010 @ 15:01:56
  Author: rtoy
    Path: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src

Modified: bootfiles/20a/boot-2010-08-1.lisp code/extfmts.lisp
          code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp code/stream.lisp

Merge changes from 20b-pre2.

 bootfiles/20a/boot-2010-08-1.lisp |   28 ++++
 code/extfmts.lisp                 |   32 ++++-
 code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp        |   41 ++++--
 code/stream.lisp                  |  230 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 4 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

Index: src/bootfiles/20a/boot-2010-08-1.lisp
diff -u /dev/null src/bootfiles/20a/boot-2010-08-1.lisp:1.2
--- /dev/null	Mon Sep  6 15:01:56 2010
+++ src/bootfiles/20a/boot-2010-08-1.lisp	Mon Sep  6 15:01:56 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;; Need to add a new ef macro id for OCTETS-TO-STRING-COUNTED.
+;; 2010-09 (probably) needs to be cross-compiled from 2010-08 (aka
+;; 20b-pre1).  Use something like
+;; src/tools/ -crl -B src/bootfiles/20a/boot-2010-08-1.lisp target/ cross src/tools/cross-scripts/cross-x86-x86.lisp <20b/bin/lisp>
+(in-package "STREAM")
+  (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
+			  (declare (ignore c))
+			  (invoke-restart 'kernel::continue))))
+    (vm::defenum (:prefix "+EF-" :suffix "+" :start 1)
+      str				; string length
+      cin				; input a character
+      cout				; output a character
+      sin				; input string
+      sout				; output string
+      os				; octets to string
+      so				; string to octets
+      en				; encode
+      de				; decode
+      flush				; flush state
+      copy-state			; copy state
+      osc
+      max)))
\ No newline at end of file
Index: src/code/extfmts.lisp
diff -u src/code/extfmts.lisp:1.39 src/code/extfmts.lisp:1.40
--- src/code/extfmts.lisp:1.39	Fri Sep  3 21:03:12 2010
+++ src/code/extfmts.lisp	Mon Sep  6 15:01:56 2010
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; domain.
- "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/extfmts.lisp,v 1.39 2010-09-04 01:03:12 rtoy Exp $")
+ "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/extfmts.lisp,v 1.40 2010-09-06 19:01:56 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
   "Hash table mapping an external format alias to the actual external
   format implementation")
+;; Each time DEF-EF-MACRO is used to define a new external format
+;; macro, a unique value must be used for the index.  The mapping
+;; between the macro and the index is here.
 (vm::defenum (:prefix "+EF-" :suffix "+" :start 1)
   str					; string length
   cin					; input a character
@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@
   de					; decode
   flush					; flush state
   copy-state				; copy state
+  osc					; octets to string, counted
 ;; Unicode replacement character U+FFFD
@@ -685,7 +689,7 @@
 (defun ensure-cache (ef id reqd)
   (let ((base (or (getf *ef-extensions* id)
 		  (setf (getf *ef-extensions* id)
-		      (prog1 *ef-base* (incf *ef-base* reqd))))))
+			(prog1 *ef-base* (incf *ef-base* reqd))))))
     (when (< (length (ef-cache ef)) (+ base reqd))
       (setf (efx-cache (ef-efx ef))
 	  (adjust-array (ef-cache ef) (+ base reqd) :initial-element nil)))
@@ -693,7 +697,27 @@
 ;;; DEF-EF-MACRO  -- Public
+;;; Create an ef-macro (external-format macro).  This creates a
+;;; function named Name that will process an external format in the
+;;; desired way.
+;;; Paul Foley says:
+;;;   All the existing ef-macros are provided with the implementation,
+;;;   so they all use lisp::lisp as the id; it's intended for people
+;;;   who want to write their own macros~there are some number of
+;;;   slots (+ef-max+) used by the implementation; the idea is that
+;;;   you can write something like (def-ef-macro foo (ef my-tag 4 1)
+;;;   ...) to implement 1 of a total of 4 new macros in your own
+;;;   "namespace", without having to know how many are implemented by
+;;;   others (e.g., the 10 used by the base implementation...which
+;;;   could change with the next release -- and if several libraries
+;;;   each add their own, the total number, and the position of each
+;;;   one's slots within that total, may change depending on load
+;;;   order, etc.)  When you write the above, it allocates 4 new
+;;;   places and associates the base index with "my-tag", then the
+;;;   "idx" value is relative to that base.  The id lisp:lisp always
+;;;   has its base at 0, so it doesn't need to go through ensure-cache
+;;;   to find that out.
 (defmacro def-ef-macro (name (ef id reqd idx) body)
   (let* ((tmp1 (gensym))
 	 (tmp2 (gensym))
@@ -921,7 +945,7 @@
       (values (if stringp string (lisp::shrink-vector string pos)) pos last-octet new-state))))
-(def-ef-macro ef-octets-to-string-counted (extfmt lisp::lisp +ef-max+ +ef-os+)
+(def-ef-macro ef-octets-to-string-counted (extfmt lisp::lisp +ef-max+ +ef-osc+)
   `(lambda (octets ptr end state ocount string s-start s-end error
 	    &aux (pos s-start) (last-octet 0))
      (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #|(space 0) (debug 0)|#)
Index: src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp
diff -u src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp:1.10 src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp:1.11
--- src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp:1.10	Tue Jul 20 17:34:29 2010
+++ src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp	Mon Sep  6 15:01:56 2010
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; domain.
- "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp,v 1.10 2010-07-20 21:34:29 rtoy Exp $")
+ "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/fd-stream-extfmt.lisp,v 1.11 2010-09-06 19:01:56 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
       (setf (fd-stream-out stream) (ef-cout extfmt)
 	    ;;@@ (fd-stream-sout stream) (ef-sout extfmt)
+    ;; FIXME: We currently don't handle the case of changing from
+    ;; ISO8859-1 to something else.  This is because ISO8859-1 doesn't
+    ;; use the string-buffer, so when we switch to another external
+    ;; format that does, we need to set up the string-buffer
+    ;; appropriately.
     (when (and lisp::*enable-stream-buffer-p* updatep
 	       (lisp-stream-string-buffer stream))
       ;; We want to reconvert any octets that haven't been converted
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@
       ;; This is done by converting (the previously converted) octets
       ;; until we've converted the right number of characters.
       (let ((ibuf (lisp-stream-in-buffer stream))
-	    (sindex (1- (lisp-stream-string-index stream)))
+	    (sindex (lisp-stream-string-index stream))
 	    (index 0)
 	    (state (fd-stream-saved-oc-state stream)))
 	;; Reconvert all the octets we've already converted and read.
@@ -93,29 +98,43 @@
 	    (octets-to-string ibuf
 			      :start 0
 			      :external-format old-format
-			      :string (make-string sindex)
+			      :string (make-string (1- sindex))
 			      :state state
 			      :error (fd-stream-octets-to-char-error stream))
 	  (declare (ignore s pos))
 	  (setf state new-state)
 	  (setf index count))
 	;; We now know the last octet that was used.  Now convert the
-	;; rest of the octets using the new format.
+	;; rest of the octets using the new format.  The new
+	;; characters are placed in the string buffer at the point
+	;; just after the last character that we've already read.
 	(multiple-value-bind (s pos count new-state)
 	    (octets-to-string ibuf
 			      :start index
 			      :end (fd-stream-in-length stream)
 			      :external-format (fd-stream-external-format stream)
 			      :string (lisp-stream-string-buffer stream)
-			      :s-start 1
+			      :s-start sindex
 			      :state state
 			      :error (fd-stream-octets-to-char-error stream))
-	  (declare (ignore s))
-	  (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream) 1)
-	  (setf (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream) pos)
-	  (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) (+ index count))
-	  (setf (fd-stream-oc-state stream) new-state))))
+	  (cond ((eq (fd-stream-external-format stream) :iso8859-1)
+		 ;; ISO8859-1 doesn't use the string-buffer, so we
+		 ;; need to copy the string to the in-buffer and then
+		 ;; set the string-buffer to nil to indicate we're not
+		 ;; using the string buffer anymore.
+		 (let ((index (- in-buffer-length count)))
+		   (dotimes (k count)
+		     (setf (aref ibuf (+ k index))
+			   (char-code (aref s (+ k sindex)))))
+		   (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) index)
+		   (setf (lisp-stream-string-buffer stream) nil)
+		   (setf (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream) 0)
+		   (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream) 0)))
+		(t
+		 (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream) sindex)
+		 (setf (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream) pos)
+		 (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) (+ index count))
+		 (setf (fd-stream-oc-state stream) new-state))))))
Index: src/code/stream.lisp
diff -u src/code/stream.lisp:1.97 src/code/stream.lisp:1.98
--- src/code/stream.lisp:1.97	Fri Sep  3 21:03:12 2010
+++ src/code/stream.lisp	Mon Sep  6 15:01:56 2010
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/stream.lisp,v 1.97 2010-09-04 01:03:12 rtoy Exp $")
+  "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/stream.lisp,v 1.98 2010-09-06 19:01:56 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -763,126 +763,122 @@
     #+(or debug-frc-sr)
     (format t "ibuf after  = ~A~%" ibuf)
-    (let ((count (funcall (lisp-stream-n-bin stream) stream
-			  ibuf index
-			  (- in-buffer-length index)
-			  nil)))
-      (declare (type (integer 0 count))
-      #+(or debug-frc-sr)
-      (progn
-	(format t "count = ~D~%" count)
-	(format t "new ibuf = ~A~%" ibuf))
+    (flet
+	((get-octets (start)
+	   (funcall (lisp-stream-n-bin stream) stream
+		    ibuf start
+		    (- in-buffer-length start)
+		    nil))
+	 (handle-eof ()
+	   ;; Nothing left in the stream, so update our pointers to
+	   ;; indicate we've read everything and call the stream-in
+	   ;; function so that we do the right thing for eof.
+	   (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) in-buffer-length)
+	   (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream)
+		 (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream))
+	   (funcall (lisp-stream-in stream) stream eof-errorp eof-value)))
+      (let ((count (get-octets index)))
+	(declare (type (integer 0 count))
+	#+(or debug-frc-sr)
+	(progn
+	  (format t "count = ~D~%" count)
+	  (format t "new ibuf = ~A~%" ibuf))
-      (cond ((zerop count)
-	     ;; Nothing left in the stream, so update our pointers to
-	     ;; indicate we've read everything and call the stream-in
-	     ;; function so that we do the right thing for eof.
-	     (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) in-buffer-length)
-	     (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream)
-		   (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream))
-	     (funcall (lisp-stream-in stream) stream eof-errorp eof-value))
-	    (t
-	     (let ((sbuf (lisp-stream-string-buffer stream))
-		   (slen (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream)))
-	       (declare (simple-string sbuf)
-			(type (integer 0 #.(1+ in-buffer-length)) slen)
-			(optimize (speed 3)))
-	       ;; Update in-length and saved-oc-state.  These are
-	       ;; needed if we change the external-format of the
-	       ;; stream because we need to know how many octets are
-	       ;; valid (in case end-of-file was reached), and what
-	       ;; the state was when originally converting the octets
-	       ;; to characters.
-	       (setf (fd-stream-in-length stream) (+ count index))
-	       #+(or debug-frc-sr)
-	       (format t "in-length = ~D~%" (fd-stream-in-length stream))
-	       (let ((state (fd-stream-oc-state stream)))
-		 (setf (fd-stream-saved-oc-state stream)
-		       (cons (car state)
-			     (funcall (ef-copy-state (fd-stream-external-format stream))
-				      (cdr state)))))
-	       #+(or debug-frc-sr)
-	       (format t "slen = ~A~%" slen)
-	       ;; Copy the last read character to the beginning of the
-	       ;; buffer to support unreading.
-	       (when (plusp slen)
-		 (setf (schar sbuf 0) (schar sbuf (1- slen))))
-	       #+(or debug-frc-sr)
-	       (progn
-		 (format t "sbuf[0] = ~S~%" (schar sbuf 0))
-		 (format t "index = ~S~%" index))
-	       ;; Convert all the octets, including the ones that we
-	       ;; haven't processed yet and the ones we just read in.
-	       (flet
-		   ((convert-buffer ()
-		      (multiple-value-bind (s char-count octet-count new-state)
-			  (stream::octets-to-string-counted
-			   ibuf
-			   (fd-stream-octet-count stream)
-			   :start 0
-			   :end (fd-stream-in-length stream)
-			   :state (fd-stream-oc-state stream)
-			   :string sbuf
-			   :s-start 1
-			   :external-format (fd-stream-external-format stream)
-			   :error (fd-stream-octets-to-char-error stream))
-			(declare (ignore s)
-				 (type (integer 0 char-count octet-count))
-			#+(or debug-frc-sr)
-			(progn
-			  (format t "char-count = ~A~%" char-count)
-			  (format t "octet-count = ~A~%" octet-count)
-			  (format t "in-index = ~A~%" (lisp-stream-in-index stream)))
-			(when (> char-count 0)
-			  (setf (fd-stream-oc-state stream) new-state)
-			  (setf (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream) (1+ char-count))
-			  (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream) 2)
-			  (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) octet-count)
+	(cond ((zerop count)
+	       (handle-eof))
+	      (t
+	       (let ((sbuf (lisp-stream-string-buffer stream))
+		     (slen (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream)))
+		 (declare (simple-string sbuf)
+			  (type (integer 0 #.(1+ in-buffer-length)) slen)
+			  (optimize (speed 3)))
+		 ;; Update in-length and saved-oc-state.  These are
+		 ;; needed if we change the external-format of the
+		 ;; stream because we need to know how many octets are
+		 ;; valid (in case end-of-file was reached), and what
+		 ;; the state was when originally converting the octets
+		 ;; to characters.
+		 (setf (fd-stream-in-length stream) (+ count index))
+		 #+(or debug-frc-sr)
+		 (format t "in-length = ~D~%" (fd-stream-in-length stream))
+		 (let ((state (fd-stream-oc-state stream)))
+		   (setf (fd-stream-saved-oc-state stream)
+			 (cons (car state)
+			       (funcall (ef-copy-state (fd-stream-external-format stream))
+					(cdr state)))))
+		 #+(or debug-frc-sr)
+		 (format t "slen = ~A~%" slen)
+		 ;; Copy the last read character to the beginning of the
+		 ;; buffer to support unreading.
+		 (when (plusp slen)
+		   (setf (schar sbuf 0) (schar sbuf (1- slen))))
+		 #+(or debug-frc-sr)
+		 (progn
+		   (format t "sbuf[0] = ~S~%" (schar sbuf 0))
+		   (format t "index = ~S~%" index))
+		 ;; Convert all the octets, including the ones that we
+		 ;; haven't processed yet and the ones we just read in.
+		 (flet
+		     ((convert-buffer ()
+			(multiple-value-bind (s char-count octet-count new-state)
+			    (stream::octets-to-string-counted
+			     ibuf
+			     (fd-stream-octet-count stream)
+			     :start 0
+			     :end (fd-stream-in-length stream)
+			     :state (fd-stream-oc-state stream)
+			     :string sbuf
+			     :s-start 1
+			     :external-format (fd-stream-external-format stream)
+			     :error (fd-stream-octets-to-char-error stream))
+			  (declare (ignore s)
+				   (type (integer 0 char-count octet-count))
 			  #+(or debug-frc-sr)
-			    (format t "new in-index = ~A~%" (lisp-stream-in-index stream))
-			    (format t "new sbuf = ~S~%" 
-				    (subseq sbuf 0 (1+ char-count))))
-			  (schar sbuf 1)))))
-		 (let ((out (convert-buffer)))
-		   (or out
-		       ;; There weren't enough octets to convert at
-		       ;; least one character.  Try to read some more
-		       ;; octets and try again.  (If we still fail,
-		       ;; what should we do then?  Currently, just
-		       ;; just return NIL and let other parts of Lisp
-		       ;; catch that.)
-		       ;;
-		       ;; The in buffer holds unread octets up to
-		       ;; index in-length.  So start reading octets there.
-		       (let* ((index (fd-stream-in-length stream))
-			      (count (funcall (lisp-stream-n-bin stream) stream
-					     ibuf index
-					     (- in-buffer-length index)
-					     nil)))
-			 (declare (type (integer 0 count index))
-			 (cond ((zerop count)
-				;; Nothing left in the stream, so update our pointers to
-				;; indicate we've read everything and call the stream-in
-				;; function so that we do the right thing for eof.
-				(setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) in-buffer-length)
-				(setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream)
-				      (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream))
-				(funcall (lisp-stream-in stream) stream eof-errorp eof-value))
-			       (t
-				;; Adjust in-length to the total
-				;; number of octets that are now in
-				;; the buffer.
-				(setf (fd-stream-in-length stream) (+ count index))
-				(convert-buffer)))))))))))))
+			    (format t "char-count = ~A~%" char-count)
+			    (format t "octet-count = ~A~%" octet-count)
+			    (format t "in-index = ~A~%" (lisp-stream-in-index stream)))
+			  (when (> char-count 0)
+			    (setf (fd-stream-oc-state stream) new-state)
+			    (setf (lisp-stream-string-buffer-len stream) (1+ char-count))
+			    (setf (lisp-stream-string-index stream) 2)
+			    (setf (lisp-stream-in-index stream) octet-count)
+			    #+(or debug-frc-sr)
+			    (progn
+			      (format t "new in-index = ~A~%" (lisp-stream-in-index stream))
+			      (format t "new sbuf = ~S~%" 
+				      (subseq sbuf 0 (1+ char-count))))
+			    (schar sbuf 1)))))
+		   (let ((out (convert-buffer)))
+		     (or out
+			 ;; There weren't enough octets to convert at
+			 ;; least one character.  Try to read some more
+			 ;; octets and try again.  (If we still fail,
+			 ;; what should we do then?  Currently, just
+			 ;; just return NIL and let other parts of Lisp
+			 ;; catch that.)
+			 ;;
+			 ;; The in buffer holds unread octets up to
+			 ;; index in-length.  So start reading octets there.
+			 (let* ((index (fd-stream-in-length stream))
+				(count (get-octets index)))
+			   (declare (type (integer 0 count index))
+			   (cond ((zerop count)
+				  (handle-eof))
+				 (t
+				  ;; Adjust in-length to the total
+				  ;; number of octets that are now in
+				  ;; the buffer.
+				  (setf (fd-stream-in-length stream) (+ count index))
+				  (convert-buffer))))))))))))))
 ;;; FAST-READ-BYTE-REFILL  --  Interface

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