CMUCL commit: RELEASE-20B-BRANCH src (code/x86-vm.lisp general-info/release-20b.txt)

Raymond Toy rtoy at
Sat Aug 28 02:01:23 CEST 2010

    Date: Friday, August 27, 2010 @ 20:01:23
  Author: rtoy
    Path: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src

Modified: code/x86-vm.lisp general-info/release-20b.txt

o Fix SIGCONTEXT-FLOAT-REGISTER to handle SSE2 better.  In particular,
  single-floats were incorrect for XMM registers.  Also update this to
  handle complex double-floats and complex single-floats.

o Update

 code/x86-vm.lisp             |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 general-info/release-20b.txt |    3 ++
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

Index: src/code/x86-vm.lisp
diff -u src/code/x86-vm.lisp:1.37 src/code/x86-vm.lisp:
--- src/code/x86-vm.lisp:1.37	Tue Jun 22 11:35:23 2010
+++ src/code/x86-vm.lisp	Fri Aug 27 20:01:23 2010
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ;;; Scott Fahlman or slisp-group at
-  "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/x86-vm.lisp,v 1.37 2010-06-22 15:35:23 rtoy Exp $")
+  "$Header: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/code/x86-vm.lisp,v 2010-08-28 00:01:23 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -247,8 +247,10 @@
-;;; Like SIGCONTEXT-REGISTER, but returns the value of a float register.
-;;; Format is the type of float to return.
+;;; Like SIGCONTEXT-REGISTER, but returns the value of a float
+;;; register.  Format is the type of float to return.  For SSE2, also
+;;; support complex numbers.  The format in this case is
+;;; complex-single-float and complex-double-float.
 (defun sigcontext-float-register (scp index format)
   (declare (type (alien (* sigcontext)) scp))
@@ -256,7 +258,25 @@
 			  (function system-area-pointer
 				    (* sigcontext)
 				    (integer 32)))))
-    (coerce (sap-ref-long (alien-funcall fn scp index) 0) format)))
+    #+x87
+    (coerce (sap-ref-long (alien-funcall fn scp index) 0) format)
+    #+sse2
+    (if (< index 8)
+	(coerce (sap-ref-long (alien-funcall fn scp index) 0) format)
+	(ecase format
+	  (single-float
+	   (sap-ref-single (alien-funcall fn scp index) 0))
+	  (double-float
+	   (sap-ref-double (alien-funcall fn scp index) 0))
+	  (complex-single-float
+	   ;; Need to extract the parts out out of the XMM register
+	   (let ((addr (alien-funcall fn scp index)))
+	     (complex (sap-ref-single addr 0)
+		      (sap-ref-single addr 4))))
+	  (complex-double-float
+	   (let ((addr (alien-funcall fn scp index)))
+	     (complex (sap-ref-double addr 0)
+		      (sap-ref-double addr 8))))))))
 (defun %set-sigcontext-float-register (scp index format new)
@@ -265,9 +285,21 @@
 			  (function system-area-pointer
 				    (* sigcontext)
 				    (integer 32)))))
-    (let* ((sap (alien-funcall fn scp index))
-	   (result (setf (sap-ref-long sap 0) (coerce new 'long-float))))
-      (coerce result format))))
+    (let* ((sap (alien-funcall fn scp index)))
+      (if (< index 8)
+	  (let ((result (setf (sap-ref-long sap 0) (coerce new 'long-float))))
+	    (coerce result format))
+	  (ecase format
+	    (single-float
+	     (setf (sap-ref-single sap 0) new))
+	    (double-float
+	     (setf (sap-ref-double sap 0) new))
+	    (complex-single-float
+	     (setf (sap-ref-single sap 0) (realpart new))
+	     (setf (sap-ref-single sap 4) (imagpart new)))
+	    (complex-double-float
+	     (setf (sap-ref-double sap 0) (realpart new))
+	     (setf (sap-ref-double sap 8) (imagpart new))))))))
 (defsetf sigcontext-float-register %set-sigcontext-float-register)
Index: src/general-info/release-20b.txt
diff -u src/general-info/release-20b.txt: src/general-info/release-20b.txt:
--- src/general-info/release-20b.txt:	Mon Aug 23 20:23:36 2010
+++ src/general-info/release-20b.txt	Fri Aug 27 20:01:23 2010
@@ -199,6 +199,9 @@
       operation exception.)
     - For SSE2 builds, = no longer signals an error if one operand is NaN.  This
       matches what happens for x87.
+    - For SSE2 builds, SIGCONTEXT-FLOAT-REGISTER returned the wrong
+      value for single-floats.  Easily noticead when tracing a
+      function with single-float arguments.
   * Trac Tickets:
     #33: get-dispatch-macro-character doesn't signal errors in

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