CMUCL commit: intl-branch src/tools (piglatin.lisp)

Raymond Toy rtoy at
Mon Mar 8 17:06:51 CET 2010

    Date: Monday, March 8, 2010 @ 11:06:51
  Author: rtoy
    Path: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src/tools
     Tag: intl-branch

Modified: piglatin.lisp

Don't modify *readtable* before we open the files; modify it AFTER
we've opened the files.  When we open the files using :utf8, the
compiler gets called to compile the utf8 format.  But *readtable* has
been modified with a different string reader that doesn't understand
Lisp strings.  This causes the compilation of utf8 to fail.

 piglatin.lisp |  112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

Index: src/tools/piglatin.lisp
diff -u src/tools/piglatin.lisp: src/tools/piglatin.lisp:
--- src/tools/piglatin.lisp:	Mon Mar  1 19:41:02 2010
+++ src/tools/piglatin.lisp	Mon Mar  8 11:06:51 2010
@@ -88,69 +88,69 @@
 	      ((char= ch #\\) (setq backslash t)))))))
 (defun latinize-pot (in out)
-  (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	(state 0)
+  (let ((state 0)
 	(string nil)
 	(plural nil)
 	(count 0))
-    (set-macro-character #\# (lambda (stream char)
-			       (declare (ignore char))
-			       (list (read-line stream t nil t))))
-    (set-macro-character #\" #'read-pot-string)
     (with-open-file (pot in :direction :input :external-format :utf-8)
       (with-open-file (po out :direction :output :external-format :utf-8
 			  :if-does-not-exist :create
 			  :if-exists :supersede)
-	(loop for item = (read pot nil pot) until (eq item pot) do
-	  (cond ((consp item)
-		 (write-char #\# po) (write-string (car item) po) (terpri po))
-		((eq item 'msgid)
-		 (write-string "msgid " po)
-		 (incf count)
-		 (setq state 1))
-		((eq item 'msgid_plural)
-		 (write-string "msgid_plural " po)
-		 (setq state 2))
-		((eq item 'msgstr)
-		 (write-string "msgstr " po)
-		 (when (equal string '(""))
-		   (write-string +piglatin-header+ po)
-		   (setq string nil))
-		 (dolist (x string)
-		   (write-char #\" po)
-		   (write-string x po)
-		   (write-char #\" po)
-		   (terpri po))
-		 (terpri po)
-		 (setq state 0 string nil))
-		((eq item 'msgstr[0])
-		 (write-string "msgstr[0] " po)
-		 (dolist (x string)
-		   (write-char #\" po)
-		   (write-string x po)
-		   (write-char #\" po)
-		   (terpri po))
-		 (write-string "msgstr[1] " po)
-		 (dolist (x plural)
-		   (write-char #\" po)
-		   (write-string x po)
-		   (write-char #\" po)
-		   (terpri po))
-		 (terpri po)
-		 (setq state 0 string nil plural nil))
-		((not (stringp item)) (error "Something's wrong"))
-		((= state 1)
-		 (write-char #\" po)
-		 (write-string item po)
-		 (write-char #\" po)
-		 (terpri po)
-		 (setq string (nconc string (list (latinize item)))))
-		((= state 2)
-		 (write-char #\" po)
-		 (write-string item po)
-		 (write-char #\" po)
-		 (terpri po)
-		 (setq plural (nconc plural (list (latinize item)))))))))
+	(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+	  (set-macro-character #\# (lambda (stream char)
+				     (declare (ignore char))
+				     (list (read-line stream t nil t))))
+	  (set-macro-character #\" #'read-pot-string)
+	  (loop for item = (read pot nil pot) until (eq item pot) do
+	       (cond ((consp item)
+		      (write-char #\# po) (write-string (car item) po) (terpri po))
+		     ((eq item 'msgid)
+		      (write-string "msgid " po)
+		      (incf count)
+		      (setq state 1))
+		     ((eq item 'msgid_plural)
+		      (write-string "msgid_plural " po)
+		      (setq state 2))
+		     ((eq item 'msgstr)
+		      (write-string "msgstr " po)
+		      (when (equal string '(""))
+			(write-string +piglatin-header+ po)
+			(setq string nil))
+		      (dolist (x string)
+			(write-char #\" po)
+			(write-string x po)
+			(write-char #\" po)
+			(terpri po))
+		      (terpri po)
+		      (setq state 0 string nil))
+		     ((eq item 'msgstr[0])
+		      (write-string "msgstr[0] " po)
+		      (dolist (x string)
+			(write-char #\" po)
+			(write-string x po)
+			(write-char #\" po)
+			(terpri po))
+		      (write-string "msgstr[1] " po)
+		      (dolist (x plural)
+			(write-char #\" po)
+			(write-string x po)
+			(write-char #\" po)
+			(terpri po))
+		      (terpri po)
+		      (setq state 0 string nil plural nil))
+		     ((not (stringp item)) (error "Something's wrong"))
+		     ((= state 1)
+		      (write-char #\" po)
+		      (write-string item po)
+		      (write-char #\" po)
+		      (terpri po)
+		      (setq string (nconc string (list (latinize item)))))
+		     ((= state 2)
+		      (write-char #\" po)
+		      (write-string item po)
+		      (write-char #\" po)
+		      (terpri po)
+		      (setq plural (nconc plural (list (latinize item))))))))))
     (format t "~&Translated ~D messages~%" count)))
 ;; Translate all of the pot files in DIR

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