CMUCL commit: intl-branch src (2 files)

Raymond Toy rtoy at
Tue Mar 2 01:41:03 CET 2010

    Date: Monday, March 1, 2010 @ 19:41:02
  Author: rtoy
    Path: /project/cmucl/cvsroot/src
     Tag: intl-branch

Modified: i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po tools/piglatin.lisp

o Support plurals

i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po:
o Updated from cmucl.pot and re-translated all strings.

 i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po |   20 ++++++++++++------
 tools/piglatin.lisp                          |   27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

Index: src/i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po
diff -u src/i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po: src/i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po:
--- src/i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po:	Fri Feb 26 18:44:45 2010
+++ src/i18n/locale/en at piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po	Mon Mar  1 19:41:01 2010
@@ -8274,17 +8274,23 @@
 msgstr "~2&Eakdownbray orfay ~(~Away~) acespay:~%"
 #: target:code/room.lisp
-msgid "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D other object~2:*~P.~%"
-msgstr "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D otherway objectway~2:*~P.~%"
+msgid "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D other object.~%"
+msgid_plural "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D other objects.~%"
+msgstr[0] "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D otherway objectway.~%"
+msgstr[1] "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D otherway objectsway.~%"
 #: target:code/room.lisp
-msgid "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P.~%"
-msgstr "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D ~(~Away~) objectway~2:*~P.~%"
+msgid "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object.~%"
+msgid_plural "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) objects.~%"
+msgstr[0] "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D ~(~Away~) objectway.~%"
+msgstr[1] "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D ~(~Away~) objectsway.~%"
 #: target:code/room.lisp
-msgid "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P (space total.)~%"
-msgstr ""
-"  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D ~(~Away~) objectway~2:*~P (acespay otaltay.)~%"
+msgid "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object (space total.)~%"
+msgid_plural "  ~13:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) objects (space total.)~%"
+msgstr[0] "  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D ~(~Away~) objectway (acespay otaltay.)~%"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"  ~13:D ytesbay orfay ~9:D ~(~Away~) objectsway (acespay otaltay.)~%"
 #: target:code/room.lisp
 msgid ""
Index: src/tools/piglatin.lisp
diff -u src/tools/piglatin.lisp: src/tools/piglatin.lisp:
--- src/tools/piglatin.lisp:	Fri Feb 26 18:38:23 2010
+++ src/tools/piglatin.lisp	Mon Mar  1 19:41:02 2010
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
 	(state 0)
 	(string nil)
+	(plural nil)
 	(count 0))
     (set-macro-character #\# (lambda (stream char)
 			       (declare (ignore char))
@@ -107,6 +108,9 @@
 		 (write-string "msgid " po)
 		 (incf count)
 		 (setq state 1))
+		((eq item 'msgid_plural)
+		 (write-string "msgid_plural " po)
+		 (setq state 2))
 		((eq item 'msgstr)
 		 (write-string "msgstr " po)
 		 (when (equal string '(""))
@@ -119,13 +123,34 @@
 		   (terpri po))
 		 (terpri po)
 		 (setq state 0 string nil))
+		((eq item 'msgstr[0])
+		 (write-string "msgstr[0] " po)
+		 (dolist (x string)
+		   (write-char #\" po)
+		   (write-string x po)
+		   (write-char #\" po)
+		   (terpri po))
+		 (write-string "msgstr[1] " po)
+		 (dolist (x plural)
+		   (write-char #\" po)
+		   (write-string x po)
+		   (write-char #\" po)
+		   (terpri po))
+		 (terpri po)
+		 (setq state 0 string nil plural nil))
 		((not (stringp item)) (error "Something's wrong"))
 		((= state 1)
 		 (write-char #\" po)
 		 (write-string item po)
 		 (write-char #\" po)
 		 (terpri po)
-		 (setq string (nconc string (list (latinize item)))))))))
+		 (setq string (nconc string (list (latinize item)))))
+		((= state 2)
+		 (write-char #\" po)
+		 (write-string item po)
+		 (write-char #\" po)
+		 (terpri po)
+		 (setq plural (nconc plural (list (latinize item)))))))))
     (format t "~&Translated ~D messages~%" count)))
 ;; Translate all of the pot files in DIR

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